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Thread: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

    the Canon 300mm f/2.8 IS, all complaints of weight and size are tossed away the first time you see the pictures it produces, fast, bright and sharp!

  2. #12

    Re: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

    It's like picking your favorite hard (Saving Private Ryan BTW)

    I'd almost have to do Zoom and Prime:

    135mm f/2 L

    24-70 f/2.8L



  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Re: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

    currently my 150mm sigma macro

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Re: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

    As others have pointed out, the 85 f1.8 is a lovely lens that lets you do everything from great portraits to indoor action sports with equally superb results. It's my people portrait lens and my indoor dog show candid lens. It's the perfect focal length on a 1.6 crop body and it's obscenely sharp at any aperture less than wide open. And then there's that bokeh. Lovely, creamy and smooth. Oh, and it's affordable. One of the best "bang-for-the-buck" lenses out there together with the 50 f1.4 and the 200 f2.8L -- which I also have and love. Yup, for me it's the 85 f1.8.


  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    Re: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

    Of what I own: 70-200/2.8IS - versatile, quick-focus, great images

    Of what I can borrow locally: 85/1.2L - quite crisp look, solves low-light challenges so well

    Of what I've used: 200/2IS - you think the 85/1.2 is sharp? This one taught me what my camera can do, let alone the lens' ability.

    What might have a chance at the "of what I've used" list: TS-E 17/4 - I'm renting this right now, and I'm already really impressed.
    We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.

  6. #16
    Junior Member
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    Re: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

    My favorite right now is the Canon 100 f2.8 macro (non-L).

  7. #17

    Re: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

    For me, it's a tie between 85 mm f/1.8 and the Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 (not the new version).

    The wide angle perspective always manage to put a smile on my face when I use this lens. It's also perfect for fireworks events (you can see what I mean on the Pyrotechnie section ("fireworks" in french) of my website).


  8. #18
    Senior Member
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    Vancouver, Washington, USA

    Re: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin
    what is your favorite lens?

    24mm f/1.4 II. On the 5D2 this focal length gives just the right angle of view for so many shots that I find it very versatile. I can get very close to the action, which allows me to have unusual perspectives, while still pulling in the surrounding environment for context. I can get a pretty thin DOF if needed, and even blur the background, which can result in unique shots if the background still contributes value to the photo when blurred. Great in low light. This baby is on my camera the most.

  9. #19

    Re: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

    24-70/2.8L is my pick. I agree with the folks who praise its sharpness and bokeh, and of course 2.8 is great to have, but what cinches it for me is something I never hear anyone talk about: Color. My 24-70 renders colors with striking accuracy and beauty, time after time. It also has something else I never hear anyone speak highly of: lens flare. Let the sun hit the front element and it creates beautiful results (not something you want to do for every shot, of course).

    The 300/2.8L IS is also pretty darn nice, for all the usual reasons. (Notice I didn't say "my" there [])

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    Melbourne, FL

    Re: What is your favorite lens? I'm interested in knowing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Lucia

    24-70/2.8L is my pick. I agree with the folks who praise its sharpness and bokeh, and of course 2.8 is great to have, but what cinches it for me is something I never hear anyone talk about: Color. My 24-70 renders colors with striking accuracy and beauty, time after time. It also has something else I never hear anyone speak highly of: lens flare. Let the sun hit the front element and it creates beautiful results (not something you want to do for every shot, of course).

    I agree the 24-70 is a really great lens and it was tough for me to pick my fav between it and the 16-35. The colors are really great on this lens but I have to disagree about the flare. It is actually my one complaint.[img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/[/img]

    The oval shaped flare toward the top by the outermost lights really bug me. Maybe I'm being to critical. I don't know.

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