Hi everyone new to the site and a relative newb to photography in general. I have been drawn into it more and more in recent years and am looking to get an all purpose L for indoor sporting events, kids school sports etc.

Well after reading all of the posts on here and many other sites I think I may just buy the 300mm/2.8 L. When I started looking I thought dam no way Im paying that much for a lens but after much carefull thought It would appear the following seems to be true, please let me know if you see any serious ommisions

great for indoor / outdoor sporting events

heavy but not to heavy to carry around to get the most use out of it.

Works great by itself or with the 1.2 or 2x tele giving me more reach when needed.

By purchasing this I will spend more money up front but will save in the long run by not moving upone lens at a time and them having to drop a ton more to getto a 500mm.

The 300/2.8 sems to be a great lens that can be used for a ton of situations were as the rest of my choices lead me to bigger and bigger investments as distance increases.Sports and and action are the real areas of interest and the only other choice seems to be the 400/2.8 but I lean away from this because of the size and additional price increase. I did consider it for a while until I saw a great video on youtube from a lens rental company showing the lenses mounted on the camera, a must see if you have never seen these lens in person. The 400/2.8 is really a beast wayto big for me to use and walk around with.

So price aside is their a reason to consider going a different route I have bee using a very old 70-300 first generation lens on my 20D and last year bought a 7D and need to invest in an L lens that will see the most use.

Would love to hear any negatives to going this route for a beginer to theL lenses