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Thread: Got to play with the IS macro today

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    The Netherlands

    Re: Got to play with the IS macro today

    Nice first shots [Y] I'm pretty sure you're going to enjoy the lens. It takes some time getting used to the shallow depth of field, but you'll learn to deal with it. And with handheld macro it takes quite some practise to get the best, so shoot a lot. Burst if you can. In the tiniest forward/backward movement you can mess up your focus. So taking multiple shots might help.

    Also try this lens with other purposes like portraits. It might surprise you how good it is with that.

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    That's the reason IS is not such a big help at macro distances (and because of the close focus, the effectiveness of the H-IS system is reduced to about 2 stops at 1:1). Many people who shoot macro without a tripod and/or of subjects that move (bugs, frogs, garden flowers in a breeze) use a flash to maintain some DoF while keeping shutter speeds in the handholding range.

    Well the steady viewfinder itself is a very welcome feature I think. And also the combination of ISand a flash is great.

    Anyway, have fun and enjoy! []


  2. #12
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Dallas, TX

    Re: Got to play with the IS macro today

    I will use this lens for all kinds of stuff. I really want to get a 25mm or greater extension tube and get more into higher end product photography.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    The Netherlands

    Re: Got to play with the IS macro today

    Wow, what types of products are we talking about? Very small ones I assume. Else a TS-E lens might have been a good option.

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