Hi Bob, beautifully laid out site. One thing that took me a while to figure out is that your site is not loading though Firefox. I had to copy/paste your link to Explorer to finally view its contents.
Good luck!
Hi Bob, beautifully laid out site. One thing that took me a while to figure out is that your site is not loading though Firefox. I had to copy/paste your link to Explorer to finally view its contents.
Good luck!
Originally Posted by deltasun
Thats good info, Ill have to download firefox and see whats going on---Thanks
Originally Posted by Bob Williams
Delta, I downloaded and installed FIreFox and the page seemed to work great, better/faster than Internet Explorer 8. The only thing extra I had to do was install Adobe Flash so that the slide show would work.
Now I have to decide which Browser,
Hi Bob,
I am getting a later start than I wanted today, so I'll look atthe websitein more depth later, but quickly I had two comments:
- In the past I thought you were going for a balance of "viewing for friends" and "commercial." With prices ("featured products") now listed on every gallery and individual print page, it is beginning to feel more "commercial."
- Similar to one of Denise's comments, but the not all of the "featured products" listed next to the photo page are available once you click "buy." After playing with this a bit, I figured out that I had to hit the "back to all products" button and then you could make a selection and it would be available. But this is not too intuitive. It may be better to have the "buy" button go to the "product categories" section instead of the "medium/large print" selection. Or you could have all products on a single list.
Overall, it is very impressive.
As I said, I'll try to look more tonight or tomorrow.
Again, Great Info and thanks for the look.
Originally Posted by Kayaker72
Your right, It just kind of evolved that way---I fiqured friends could forgive any errors in design, where as potential customers probably would not---So I went with the commercial feel. I am also planning on adding a gallery or two that is only visable to family, friends or specific customers.
Originally Posted by Kayaker72
Again, you and Denise are correct, the Buy side of the page is less than intuitive---I think I confused the issue with the "featured products" section which is easily removed. I may also eliminate the photos that require smaller prints and therefore be able to eliminate the second "smal print" price list------
What do you guys think?
As Always, I appreciate the detailed feedback.
Here we go again:
I simplified the price lists and removed the "featured Products".
I also discovered that MPIX won
Great job Bob! I love it. Compelled to by a print (if i wasn
Originally Posted by doggiedoc
Thanks Paul, for the encouraging words and the comments on the page
I saw the glitch you mention, (it seems that the first time you go to "all products" but each subsequent time it routes you back to the the last products page you were viewing). But I didn
Site looks great - nice portfolio - my only suggestion would be to change the font - it looks like you have Times New Roman possibly. I find that dates the design. Try a newer style font maybe - IMO.