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Thread: What lens to get next for my T3I? 17-40MML,15-85mm,24-70mmL,24-105mm?

  1. #11
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: What lens to get next for my T3I? 17-40MML,15-85mm,24-70mmL,24-105mm?

    Daniel, why not the MP-E 65mm, if you're so sure Caleb wants to shoot macro?

    Witicism aside, it mostly comes down to what you want to shoot. I'm going to make the assumption that you've got just the EF-S 18-55mm lens that came with your T3i. If you've got a closet full of L glass, oh well. On a 1.6x crop body like the T3i, 24mm is not a wide angle lens (38mm FF-equivalent, meaning it's in the 'normal' range). So, given the choices above, if you want wide angle that rules out the 24-xx L zooms. I'd only buy a 17-40mm f/4L to use on a crop body if I imbibed enough alcohol to completely lose control of higher reasoning functions, while retaining just enough mental capability to type a credit card number into an online shopping cart. So, I guess that leaves the 15-85mm. Of course, if you can afford a 24-105mm, you can also consider a 17-55mm f/2.8. If so, read the thread that Kayaker72 (Brant) linked above.

  2. #12
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: What lens to get next for my T3I? 17-40MML,15-85mm,24-70mmL,24-105mm?

    I worked up the nerve to buy the 17-55mm f/2.8 IS several years ago based on Bryan

  3. #13
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Ferndale WA

    Re: What lens to get next for my T3I? 17-40MML,15-85mm,24-70mmL,24-105mm?

    You should note that the 17-40mm L is actually worst than the 18-55mm kit. On a full frame it

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