If it's a small speck of dust on the lens and it is showing up in the same place on the pictures, then you may have dust on your sensor, because a small or large amount of dust in a lens shouldn''t show up in pictures. However, I have been wrong before. []

I get your set-up better now. What I am suggesting is since the courts are parallel to the beach and you are facing the Ocean, then you could shoot the side of the court that has the sun in the players eyes in the morning (which will be the west side of the court) and the Sun will be at your back. Then after the Sun passes over you at 1pm, then you could shoot the east court. So, now you will be facing east with the sun at your back. If you don't switch sides when the players switch then you can shoot the other team at that time.

It may help you a little for a few of the games at least.