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Thread: New image

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Lancaster, NH

    New image

    After reading everyone's advice and comments I went out and took a bunch more shots. Unfortunately I did not take any below an ISO of 800 ( thought I had, but did not) I did try a bunch of different apertures. Below is a link to one of the better shots. The shot has all the data left in it so you can see the shot details. Basically 70-200F4-L lens, Rebel T2i body, F-32, ISO 800, Exposure 1/15 sec, 200mm focal length. Hand held, af on, is on. Focused on tall pine tree. No processing done at all. RAW image straight from camera, converted to jpeg and uploaded through lightroom. Tree looks a bit bury to me. Also surprised at th amount of noise on a close zoom. Any thought are more than welcome. Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by NorthWoods Bill; 02-14-2012 at 11:10 AM.

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