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Thread: Upgrading my lens, can't decide what to upgrade to.

  1. #21
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    @ NFLD Stephen

    Hmmm I think I'd be aiming torwards a wide angle prime, for that I'd be considering the Canon 35 f/2. Does anyone here have that lens? I am considering that Canon 85mm f/1.4 but I'm worried that it would become a super-zoom on my T1i.

  2. #22
    Senior Member FastGass's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if you quite understand what a "1.6 crop factor" is. It means no matter which lens you mount, EF-s, EF or anyting else, you multiply the focal length by 1.6 to get a equivalant focal length in 35mm or full frame. 35mm is a normal lens on a 1.6 body, you would be looking at somthing like 15-22mm range for a wide angle.

    Last edited by FastGass; 03-29-2012 at 07:09 AM.
    Amateurs worry about gear, pros about the pay, masters about the light, and I just take pictures!

  3. #23
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    Synomis, if you're wondering about what focal length prime to get, the easiest way of how to decide would be to just put on a zoom lens and test the different focal lengths and see which one you need.

    I myself have a 1.6 FOVCF body too and have had the 50mm f/1.8 and now have the 50 mm f/1.4. For me the difference in price between the two is easily justified. I feel the 1.4 has quite better IQ, naturally the out of focus blur is even better and it doesn't feel as plasticky and cheap as the 1.8. I've also found that the 50mm focal range on a crop body works great for me for head&shoulder or 2-3 person group portraits when moving back a bit. I think an 85mm lens might be a bit too long for portraits on a crop body, for me at least.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synomis192 View Post
    @ Jan

    Thank you so much for your input. I guess I know what im choosing to upgrade to. I've decided to go for the Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 and the Canon 70-200mm f/4 L non IS. I know you said that having IS is a big benefit for. Tele-lens but I dont think I'll be using the Canon for night shots anyways, but if push comes to shove, i wouldnt mind bumping up my ISO. Thanks for helping me out Jan and for providing insight on all of my suggested lenses. If you dont mind me asking, is there a prime lens I should consider getting along side the Tammy and Canon combo im getting?
    No problem. It helps if you've walked the same path IS is definitely a nice feature, but when I didn't have IS yet I really didn't miss it all that much. Not having IS helps you think more about your shots, standing steadier, watching your settings more frequently. That's why I said IS is nice for lazy people like me. Of course it also has a technical advantages. I like IS when I'm shooting sunsets/sunrises for example. I can get away with shutterspeeds of 1/50th handheld at 200mm without a worry. However a tripod would work just as well or even better in these situations.

    Quote Originally Posted by patham View Post
    Synomis, if you're wondering about what focal length prime to get, the easiest way of how to decide would be to just put on a zoom lens and test the different focal lengths and see which one you need.
    As for the prime I think this is the best advice. A prime lens is very personal. If you look at your photos it's not that hard to see what focal length you prefer. If you like your 50mm 1.8 the upgrade to the 1.4 may be worth it. If you think you want a wider or longer lens go for either one.
    My girlfriend has a 40D and only has one lens the 85mm f1.8. She's more happy with it than with the 18-55 kit lens. Better yet I would think I'd miss the wider angle, but she manages to get fantastic photos with her lens in situations I'd expect to need a wider lens. But it's very personal.

    If you have Lightroom or any other program that has a library view you can easily select all your photos and see what focal length you use the most. I found out that I liked 50mm the most on my FF camera. Which is about equal as 30mm for your camera. But I don't do street photography so again this is very personal

  5. #25
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    @ FastGass

    I understand that 35mm isn't tecnically wide for a FOVCF camera but its wider than my 50mm so I refer to it as a wIde prime. Sorry for that misunderstanding haha. If I really wanted a 35mm for my 1.6 crop camera, i'd selling my car to buy a Ziess 15mm. Haha but Im not going to do that. Waaay to costly haha.

    @ patham

    Thanks for the advice haha. Im actually going to Santa Monica this friday so I'll take a look at my pictures at the end of the day and see what's my most used focal length. Im looking forward to it haha.

    @ Jan

    Yeah I agree on your viewpoint about IS, it doesnt hurt to have it. I carry a tripod with me everytime I'm out shooting so I dont think its a problem haha. Personally I love use the 50mm and I've been considering upgrading to the f/1.4 but I think I'd benefit more getting the 35mm f/2 because when I go street shooting I like to get close to my subjects. Haha

    Thanks for all the help you guys have given me. I really appreciate it.

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