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Thread: Canon EF 24-105 f/4 L question

  1. #21
    Junior Member
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    The Tamron will still join me on my trails across the UK when I need a wide angle (mostly signal boxes and locomotive maintenance sheds). The question is if I'll be able to get pictures that will be light enough (so no extreme photoshopping) at cloudy days when I set the camera to f8, shutter speed at 1/400 and ISO not higher then 400. (I just don't want dark shots)
    Canon 40D | Tamron xr di 17-55 f2.8 | Canon 100-400 f4.5-5.6 L is

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaartenOtto View Post
    The question is if I'll be able to get pictures that will be light enough (so no extreme photoshopping) at cloudy days when I set the camera to f8, shutter speed at 1/400 and ISO not higher then 400. (I just don't want dark shots)
    The 24-105 will let in the same amount of light at these settings as your Tamron will(at the same settings), so you'd just have to test the settings if they are good. If they aren't you should adapt your settings to the situation. Either bump ISO, open up your aperture or change your shutter-speed. You must make changes if settings prove to be wrong. Regardless what lens is used.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Photog82's Avatar
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    The lens just came in (rental), unfortunately a light snow fall has hit and I wasn't able to test TOO much just yet. I'm looking forward to the weather this weekend.

    My first impressions is that the lens is heavier than I expected, about 10 ounces heavier than the 28-135. I understand now what people mean by this lens being sharp and having better color straight from the camera. I shot a snowy bog with the 24-105 and 28-135 and i can see the difference. So far, I'm impressed.

  4. #24
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    It's hard to say good bye once you need to turn it in again

  5. #25
    Senior Member Photog82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist View Post
    I think the 24-105mm f/4L IS is an excellent lens - the ideal general purpose zoom for full frame, but a nice outdoor walkaround lens on APS-C as long as you don't mind that it normal-to-tele and lacks the wide angle focal lengths (pr maybe you have an APS-C ultrawide zoom to cover that). I do agre with Rick that the EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS is the best general purpose zoom for APS-C.

    I'd not wait for a MkII of the 24-105 - the current lens is the kit lens for the 5DIII, meaning it's likely to be around in it's current form for some time, and a new version will certainly be a lot more expensive if Canon's recent trends are any sort of guide.

    You might consider buying a resold new copy - especially with the 5DIII coming out, a lot of people who buy a 5-series body buy the 24-105mm lens too, and sell it new in the white box. The lens adds $800 to the kit price, so they're commonly sold for ~$900.
    I'm pretty happy with the lens, I have to send it back tomorrow however am hoping to set up a deal with someone purchasing the 5DIII.

  6. #26
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    Sell the 28-135. Put that money into the 24-105. You can get one from Canon refurb, for a tad under nine bills with the promo code on the home page. As others have said, dont look for an upgrade to this lens any time soon.
    Last edited by marcust; 03-22-2012 at 09:59 PM.

  7. #27
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    Used it for just a day and I already have a confirmation that one of the photo's will be published in a Railways related magazine, fingers crossed for the front cover...

    But I'm not sure to buy it... It's a lot of money and I think a 28mm Canon Prime lens might offer the same quality at a more decent value.
    Canon 40D | Tamron xr di 17-55 f2.8 | Canon 100-400 f4.5-5.6 L is

  8. #28
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    I hope you've got luck with your cover-photo! It's definitely not a cheap lens and yes some primes will offer the same or even better IQ at the same settings. But it does offer a nice range, IS and fast USM. Things that primes in that range don't necessarily have. But there are definitely some options in the prime-department at this range. Check some other threads if you need more info.
    I personally have thought about buying the Canon 28mm f2.8 for the times I need a lightweight kit. It does seem to perform reasonably good wide open and it's cheap. Second hand it's a real bargain.

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