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Thread: Video with a 7D

  1. #21
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    Question #1.-------The 7D owners manual suggests that you shoot video with AF turned off, but I will be shooting lots of fast moving stuff so- what to do, shoot Manual focus anyway or shoot AF and risk the occasional "AF hunting" when a subject moves?

    AF does work, but not continuously (at least not that I know of) and while autofocussing the camera often changes settings to get more contrast to focus, so your shot will be messed up. So don't get your hopes too high on that one. Manual focus is the way to go. Try a bigger DOF, perhaps a shorter lens to make your DOF bigger or stand further away.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    Question #2------what would be the best video speed to shoot at for this type of video? I don't understand why 29 fps is "jumpier" than the slower speeds?

    I read somewhere that a shutterspeed between 1/50 and 1/80 gives the nicest flowing results. But I can't remember where I read it, so I can't confirm or explain it.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    Question #3------Most of my shooting will be outside, in New Mexico, in June and July---Very bright, very sunny,subjects dressed in black- concrete buildings, etc---a contrast nightmare----Low ISO, High shutter speeds---what am I missing? ND filter?

    Perhaps a/some reflector(s). At least if that's possible in your setting. Else pay good attention at the angle of the sun etc etc just like normal shooting.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    Also, I am installing a new video card and power supply into my computer tonight. Sometimes I can do this in an hour, sometimes it takes a day or two to work out the bugs, so please don't be offended if it takes me some time to respond to your comments and suggestions----

    Good luck with that and your video! Looking forward to your dedicated video-thread later on, because maybe then I'll use it more...


  2. #22
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

    Hmm, seems the more I learn about video, The more I appreciate still photography.

    Haha. Now you can't judge as a PC user. Video should be done on a Mac [A]

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

    Anyway, My first filming is scheduled in two weeks. Its a 3 day shoot and then off to the "editing room"----My dining room. The tips that many of you have posted have really helped me understand this process better----I'll keep you updated as I go.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Good luck on your shoot! Let us know if you need anything else!



  3. #23
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Well, I took the camera into the back yard for a test run -----throwing the ball for my dogs. Should be similar to the shooting environment I am planning, i.e. bright sunlight, dark subjects, lots of action.-----Shooting parameters:

    Lens 24-105L, HD-24fps, Manual focus,IS off, white balance set to sunlight, iso 200, Highlight tone priority enabled, shutter 160th, aperture 9.0.

    With these settings the color, whitebalance seemed very good. Depth of field was fairly deep and seemed to maintain reasonable focus through30ft range.

    The video wasn't as smooth as I would like it but it wasn't bad.

    The problem---when I converted the MOV to AVI, the video became very choppy and lost some of the color and clarity. I converted with MPEG Streamclip 1.2---

    Any recommendations are appreciated.



  4. #24
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    Lens 24-105L, HD-24fps, Manual focus,IS off, white balance set to sunlight, iso 200, Highlight tone priority enabled, shutter 160th, aperture 9.0.

    I always thought the extra options like HTP etc didn't work with video, are you sure it works?

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    With these settings the color, whitebalance seemed very good. Depth of field was fairly deep and seemed to maintain reasonable focus through30ft range.

    Sounds good.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    The video wasn't as smooth as I would like it but it wasn't bad.

    Try a slower shutterspeed. From what I've heard it gives you more fluid dynamics, but again I'm not 100% sure. I say just check out some settings, you've got plenty of light to try shooting at high shutterspeeds and/or low shutterspeeds and compare them.

    Good luck! (I tried some video at a little bandconcert fridaynight at iso 12800 with my 5D2...pfff cool footage, but the noise is killing...) I have to search on how to downsize etc...

    but I'll keep trying some video, I got exited by a few persons on here []

  5. #25
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

    The video wasn't as smooth as I would like it but it wasn't bad.

    The video will always be shaky, it's an unfortunate side-effect. So, to counter this, like Sheiky said try lowering the shutter to about 1/60-1/80. It usually runs a bit smoother there, and even though its hard to contort your body, try and keep the camera as close to you as possible. Tuck your elbows in against your chest to use as support. Remember, while a dSLR is light, the further you hold it away from you the more it weighs. So it may not physically feel any lighter closer to your body you will definitely see a difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob wiliams

    The problem---when I converted the MOV to AVI, the video became very choppy and lost some of the color and clarity. I converted with MPEG Streamclip 1.2---
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Unfortunately MOV and AVI don't really get along very well... Perhaps try an MPEG codec? Say MPEG2 is usually good quality. Try that and see if that helps at all...


  6. #26
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    I always thought the extra options like HTP etc didn't work with video, are you sure it works?

    Yep, Works fine in video, the only issue is that ISO is limited to between 200 and 6400.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky

    Try a slower shutterspeed. From what I've heard it gives you more fluid dynamics, but again I'm not 100% sure. I say just check out some settings, you've got plenty of light to try shooting at high shutterspeeds and/or low shutterspeeds and compare them.

    I did that on a second and third take and the smoothness did improve.---I think the 7D owners manual even says to shoot between 50 and 125. It also improved when I reduced the resolution and shot at 60fps.---So I'll I have to play some more to figure out what I like the best.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    (I tried some video at a little bandconcert fridaynight at iso 12800 with my 5D2...pfff cool footage, but the noise is killing...) I have to search on how to downsize etc...

    I had the same problem when I shot a night football game---but DPP's noise reduction seemed to help quite a bit---I haven't got a clue on how to reduce noise in video. I am still stuck on converting MOV to AVI without loss of quality.



  7. #27
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    This is something I am watching and interesting to hear everyone's input and tests. I am not really interested in "getting into" video, but I do take some personal miscellaneous stuff on rare occasion with my 7D and would like to know how to do it better. Video is a much different animal isn't it?!

  8. #28
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    A lot is similar, yet an equal amount is different. Video can let you do subject isolation by focusing on an object in the foreground and ending with the object in the background in focus. Doesn't quite work as well in photos...

  9. #29
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Ok, Serious problem I can't figure out----The 7d records video in MOV format---Of course Adobe Premier Elements won't read or process MOV format---I have tried converting to MPEG 4 and AVI---and the reults are terrible, choppy, bad color, just bad overall. I have tried increasing quality and playing with the parameters, but no luck. I have also tried to convert with Quicktime Pro and DivX but same results with both----Please tell me that there is a usable conversion process out there some where-----(no PC bashing permitted-- [:'(]

    Any guidance is appreciated---


  10. #30
    Senior Member
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

    Ok, Serious problem I can't figure out----The 7d records video in MOV format---Of course Adobe Premier Elements won't read or process MOV format---I have tried converting to MPEG 4 and AVI---and the reults are terrible, choppy, bad color, just bad overall.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Bob. Did you try an MPEG 2 instead of an MPEG 4? If it's the actual software that seems to be the problem try NeoScene. I've been reading forums and reviews on it and it seems to be the best one out there according to a lot of people. Perhaps Premiere Pro may be the way to go depending how much you start doing as Pro can read the 7D files natively over Elements.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

    (no PC bashing permitted-- [:'(]
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    And I promise not to bash PC again just for you[]

    Good luck!


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