Quote Originally Posted by bburns223

Tight portraits and wide portraits require two lenses IMO. A good strategy would be to first get a general purpose zoom like the ones above and then a 135 f/2 prime that'll give you the long portrait reach at 1/2 the cost of the 70-200 f/2.8 AND it'd be twice as fast.

Good Luck!


I second what Brendan said on this -- I get away with it with a 24-70 f/2.8 on a 1D Mark III body (1.3 crop), but it's not quite as wide as I'd like for wide portraits and not quite as long as I'd like for tight portraits. The 135 f/2 prime gives me plenty of background blur on my 40D (1.6 crop) but it's a little long on that body, and frankly, a little difficult to hand-hold without IS. I seem to have better luck hand-holding it on the 1DIII.