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Thread: Fast lens .... What What?

  1. #21
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Melbourne, FL

    Re: Fast lens .... What What?

    Quote Originally Posted by btaylor

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee

    Yeah, after seeing what Joey Lawrence can do with a 5D and 50 1.4 makes me feel pretty good about the equipment I'm shooting with. Now I just need to find some really cool jungle guys to shoot.

    BTW have you seen his recent stuff shot with Phase One? Kids got it goin on. Love Nikon Girl. LOL
    <div style="CLEAR:both;"]</div>

    Wow I just had a look through his website. Really amazing work.

    That's inspired me to travel again!!! For some time now I've beenplanning outa trip with 2 friends to ride motorbikes from Darwin, Australia to London over 6 months as a photographic/ documentary journey. The amazing images on Joey L's portfolio are the reason these sort of random trips pay off. Oh and the adventure... mustn't forget that.

    Thanks for pointing him out to us Chuck!

    It is a little over Photoshopped for my liking.

  2. #22
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Fast lens .... What What?

    If you want a lens thats sharp wide open, try the 135mm F2L. Of course, it is slightly sharper at F4, but wide open it is astounding.

    Its the wide angle lenses where getting sharpness at very wide apertures is difficult. However, most of the sharpness issues are found looking at the pixel level. Actual prints look very good with large aperture lenses wide open.

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