On my upcoming trip to Yellowstone I want to try a few waterfall pictures. I have already searched the forums and read most of the past threads about this.

I have been looking at the B+W filters and B+W will be the filters I buy so the advice I need relates to those filters.

I always buy the MRC coated lenses. The price is about double. For this particular application, the filter really will not be used occasionally. Not like a filter that stays on the lens.

The questions:
  1. Do the MRC filters have better IQ? Other than cleaning and protection of the lens do I really need the MRC coating since at most the lens will only be used occasionally?
  2. There are somefilters with the "Wide" designation, on the 24mm or if I go to a 21mm do I really need this? Is vignetting a problem?
  3. With ND .3, .6 or .9 would this cover the typical situations. Going darker for a novice such as myself is probably not necessary?

I am also thinking getting either the TS-E24mm L or the Zeiss 21mm F2.8 Distagon but that's another thread completely.