Firstly: Hi, I'm new.

Secondly: I'm currently using my Dad's
400d, the 18-55 (I think) kit lens as well as a longer EF lens (that
I'm really not a fan of.

I'm looking to buy my first camera, and have pretty much (I'm indecisive by nature) settled on the 550d.

The only thing that's bugging me at the moment is that I
don't want to settle for the 18-55mm kit (IS II if I remember correctly) lens I'm going to
quickly out-grow it and buy something else to replace it.

I've been looking at a lot of the canon lenses on this site over
the last month or so and haven't yet nailed down a lens or even two which I'm
happy with from a quality, range and price stand-point.

I've been quite disappointed with the sharpness of both the lenses I've
borrowed from my Dad, and can tell that the camera is being let down by
them far too often. So I don't want to make a similar mistake and have
glass which is letting down my camera from the get-go. But equally I
don't want to spend too much on a lens straight off the bat. Does that
make sense?

Should I be just buying the kit, and seeing where I
feel it's lacking before I build on my set (i.e. am I being daft)? Or should I be thinking
about this more and probably look to buy the body plus another lens of
my choosing (i.e. can I have some help please)?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.