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Thread: Assignment 2: Person and Machine -- Itheone wins!

  1. #21

    Re: Assignment 2: Person and Machine

    From past summers Mitty @ Road Atlanta

  2. #22

    Re: Assignment 2: Person and Machine

    I thought this one might be OK for this category. I took it at a "classics" day at NH Motor Speedway this summer.

    Canon 40d, 70-200 2.8 IS

    F4 1/1600 ISO100 200mm


  3. #23
    Junior Member
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    Re: Assignment 2: Person and Machine

    It's kinda busy but, I like it.

  4. #24
    Senior Member
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    Re: Assignment 2: Person and Machine

    Here is my entry. This is my first serious self portrait. It was gonna me and either my electric shaver or my car. Tried first with the car and kinda liked it so never got to do the shaver photos. Taken with a G10on Manfrotto 785Bwhich I always carry with me. Sean, if you're reading this post, thisphotograph was inspired by your works.


  5. #25
    Senior Member
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    Re: Assignment 2: Person and Machine

    Again, I know I'm not in this round but I took this this morning and just thought it went.


  6. #26
    Senior Member
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    Re: Assignment 2: Person and Machine

    That's a really beautiful picture, Keith.

  7. #27
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: Assignment 2: Person and Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by piiooo
    Sean, if you're reading this post, thisphotograph was inspired by your works.

    Witha little gridded light on your face coming from the left side, and I'd say it was just about perfect. ;-)

  8. #28
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    Re: Assignment 2: Person and Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by musickna

    That's a really beautiful picture, Keith.

    Thanks! I feel really fortunate. One of those right time right place things that I usually don't get. It was funny, I went to the beach to photograph the sunrise and the clouds ruined it. Heading back over to the main land I hit crazy fog and with the sun rising it was terrible but then I saw the sail boat and had to stop.

  9. #29
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: Assignment 2: Person and Machine

    I don't usually upload pics but I'm into man vs. machine so here's my contribution:


  10. #30
    Senior Member
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    Re: Assignment 2: Person and Machine


    Fair enough. I just happen to not care for motorcycles and I love cars. I am a huge fan of the WRC and that "you never know what will happen" situation that presents its self there is thrilling. That would be my venue of choice when it comes to shooting cars.

    Keith B,

    That shot of the sailboat is ridiculous! Great that you got it though. I love when you just happen be there right at the exact moment and take the shot. Nice job.


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