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Thread: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?

  1. #21
    Junior Member
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    Re: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?

    I may give that a go just to see how it performs. The only time I have found I have needed higher ISO is shooting night games under the lights or indoors and actually found the MKIV to be useable in real terms up to ISO 6400 although the post process noise reduction is a bit heavy the images are still very useable. On the MKIII I never went past ISO 1600.

  2. #22

    Re: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?

    I think in modern digital camera shooting in M vs in Av, TV or P are very much the same thing. Because even in M, you still rely on the metering but you can lock down the shutter speed, aperture and ISO when you think you got a working combination. When the lighting change, even in M, you still need the camera

  3. #23
    Senior Member
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    Riverside, CA

    Re: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?

    Quote Originally Posted by darklord
    Because even in M, you still rely on the metering but you can lock down the shutter speed, aperture and ISO when you think you got a working combination.

    I'm not sure I understand. How do you rely on metering in M? Or do you mean M with auto ISO? But in that case, how are you locking down ISO?

  4. #24
    Junior Member
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    Re: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?

    I humbly disagree.

    M is up to the photographer to decide using the meter as a tool knowing that center is not always the best place on the meter and where to have it is based on a lot of variables. Every other mode attempts center on the meter which you can adjust what is center with exposure compensation but that takes precious time and as soon as you move on to another composition that changes. On very rare ocassions I will shoot Av when clouds are rolling in and out faster than I can keep up with it but also count on having far less keepers and images that lack "POP" because I had to attempt bringing back dark detail on an underexposed image or recover blown highlights in an overexposed image. An example when shooting sports is something as simple as jersey colors. Say you are shooting a game that one team is in white and the other in black and using spot metering. and shooting Av ot Tv. If no exposure compensation is used the shots where the white jerseys are metered the images will come out underexposed as more reflected light affected metering and the inverse for the black jerseys. OK so now you try and use exposure compensation but which one do you choose? The white or the black? Which ever you do choose the other is not going to work well and as soon as a cloud rolls in its all out the window as the white is not as reflective and the black is even darker. The reason I chose the above image as an example is the meter changed drastically during that entire game from one end to the other but I never changed the settings from ISO400, f4, 1/3200 using a neutral place in the grass to set up before the game started and clicking off a few and viewing the histogram to make sure. In this particular image the meter was actually about a stop up from center becasue of the white jersey, move the camera to take that white jersey out of the metering area and catch the background and it goes 2 stops down. Either would have resulted in an incorrectly exposed image in an auto mode with an underexposed image on the white and severely over exposed and uselessly blown image if on the shadows.

  5. #25

    Re: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?

    In this day and age most people use the M mode by looking at the metering pointer in the viewfinder, start when the pointer is in the center, take a shoot, check the LCD and then adjust the exposure. So essentially, you still use the metering of the camera to a certain extend. Of course, there are people who rely on the sunny f/16 rule and ignore the metering of the camera completely.


  6. #26

    Re: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?

    I agreed with what you are saying Justin and I think in your case where it makes perfect sense to use the M mode.

  7. #27
    Junior Member
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    Re: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?

    Here is another example taken during NY SkyBlue inaugural game vs LA Sol. Christe Rampone, former US olympic team captain, takes out Marta.

    Im not even going to try and guess what would have happened in auto mode as all the enemies come into play on this one. Bright vs dark uniform and harsh mid day sun.


  8. #28

    Re: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?

    Great shots, Justine. Just wondering how do you get around the problem of using zoom lens in M mode. You need to reset the shutter speed when you change focal lenght right?

  9. #29

    Re: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?

    The shutter speed shouldn

  10. #30

    Re: Is This A Good Price For the 1Ds MKII?


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