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Thread: My first deer photos

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: My first deer photos

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    Driving thru the park looking for deer, ready to give up (again) and as soon as I turned my head to the right...there they were! But out of the corner of my eye I could see hikers coming up along the path next to them and of course, awaythey ran! I had less than 30 sec. to shoot my first deer photos!

    Very good Denise. Obviously if you had more time you could have done better, but they just don't seem to be very patient. I always like to see them and to be honest, even when you used manual settings, some turned out pretty good I think. I really like the third one.

    I see them very often and I know some spots where they are very regular visitors. However I always walk or cycle. The chances of getting close with a car are much smaller. Also I never really saw many of them at sunrise! They are most active from about an hour before sunset till later. In the other times the chances of spotting them are much smaller since they like to sit in long grass and bushes and they're very stealthy!

    I had a great encounter in juli. While I was hiking at one of my favorite deer-spots I saw something in the high grass(about 1ft high grass) and I couldn't directly see what it was and my first thought was that it was a fox I quickly pushed my camera to live-view and zoomed in a lot and saw the ears. At that moment I knew what it was. I started to get closer, like 20ft or so and my settings were messed up by the live-view and I decided to video-tape it. It easily walked in some bigger bushes and I lost it. I walked towards the bushes and I didn't see the little one anymore, but I could hear it squeak. When I looked better it started to jump away and at that point I realised that I was only 3ft away from it. I tried to take a photo, but it was way to quick.

    Anyway, here's a short 10sec video that I made. It was probably the smallest one I've ever seen, very cute [:$]

    I hope you get more luck next time[]


  2. #22
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: My first deer photos

    Thanks, Jan!

    Very cute little video you were able to capture! I would love to get a photo of a baby one! People told me to either go right a sunrise or a shortly before sunset. For now, the sunrise on the weekends fits my schedule best but it is getting darker earlier and earlier, so soon I will be able to stop at a few places at night on my way home from work and hopefully see a few and maybe even get a few "harvest" moon shots!

    I LOVE the change in seasons gives a whole new line of subjects to go after!!

  3. #23
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: My first deer photos

    Thanks, Jan!

    Very cute little video you were able to capture! I would love to get a photo of a baby one! People told me to either go right a sunrise or a shortly before sunset. For now, the sunrise on the weekends fits my schedule best but it is getting darker earlier and earlier, so soon I will be able to stop at a few places at night on my way home from work and hopefully see a few and maybe even get a few "harvest" moon shots!

    I LOVE the change in seasons gives a whole new line of subjects to go after!!

  4. #24
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    The Netherlands

    Re: My first deer photos

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    I would love to get a photo of a baby one!

    Me too! [] But you'll have to wait some time before they have youngsters this big again.

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    People told me to either go right a sunrise or a shortly before sunset. For now, the sunrise on the weekends fits my schedule best but it is getting darker earlier and earlier, so soon I will be able to stop at a few places at night on my way home from work and hopefully see a few and maybe even get a few "harvest" moon shots!

    I agree, I must admit that I've seen quite some deer at sunrises as well. However most of them were sudden encounters. One running over the path in front of me or one jumping away out of nowhere. The positive side of looking for them just before sunset is that they are easier to spot. At least that's how it works out for me [:P]

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725

    I LOVE the change in seasons gives a whole new line of subjects to go after!!

    Well I do to, however when I see all those amazing autumn shots...pff I wish I lived somewhere else []

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