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Thread: Keep My 50D or Trade for A 5D MkI

  1. #21

    Re: Keep My 50D or Trade for A 5D MkI

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning

    Quote Originally Posted by lcnewkirk

    I've only used live view once (and the 10x magnification), and I loved it! But, I was making a still life photo, which I never do, and was using a tripod, which I never do. If I ever start to use a tripod (which I probably won't) I'm pretty sure I'd use live view every time.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    I use liveview all the time without a tripod -- just hold it up in front of your face like those dorky digicam users! You'll get funny looks from everyone, but I shot a six-digit wedding (ice sculptures, etc.) that way! There's no other way to get absolutely critically precise focus every time. The only problem is the ergonomics, but that can be fixed if you build or buy a shoulder mount.

    When I got my camera a year ago, I tried that and it seemed very akward, so I never did it again.I don't think I knew I had tofocus manualyand I definately didn't know about the 10x feature. I tried it again just now, and I guess it's not too akward.

  2. #22
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    Re: Keep My 50D or Trade for A 5D MkI

    I still think it's weird [:P] No I'm kidding, but I don't really understand how it is handy for fulltime use.

    Yes I get it with macro and tripod and hard to reach photo's, but full time? How do you manage to keep the camera still and steady at slower shutter speeds? Your camera is nothing like a digital point and shoot. Especially weight....

    Anyhow, I never really use it and I could easily live without it. Everybody's got their own style I guess. Still confused about the steadyness though [:P]

  3. #23
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    Re: Keep My 50D or Trade for A 5D MkI

    Wow! Thanks for your response Daniel!

    I'm DEFINITELY going to try the micro adjustment feature. My second biggest complaint (behind noise) is the lack or sharpness on my images. I've tried the different in-camera sharpness settings which seem to help with sharpening things up a bit but they can cause issues with post processing sharpening. My pics are either too noisy, too soft, etc. It's getting a little frustrating making adjustments to extra features like Auto Lighting Optimizer (ALO) and Highlight Tone Priority. They say great for this scenario but not for that. I actually miss the simplicity of the XT which is another reason why the 5D appeals to me.

    Please don't get me wrong...I think the 50D is a solid camera with impressive features and I'm happy with my purchase, but for my stlye of shooting, I think the 5D is a better choice for me. I'm going to re-read the manual and try to work with every feature to get the best out of this camera before I make any moves.

  4. #24
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    Re: Keep My 50D or Trade for A 5D MkI

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    How do you manage to keep the camera still and steady at slower shutter speeds?

    With a shoulder mount. If I don't have the shoulder mount and I can't use faster shutter speed (e.g. low light), then I switch to the optical viewfinder. I can't wait until Canon switches to an electronic viewfinder.

  5. #25
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    Re: Keep My 50D or Trade for A 5D MkI

    Hi all,

    Well after a few weeks of deliberation, I decided to go for the 5D. I ended up trading my 50D + $200 for the 5D. So far I'm really loving this thing but it's going to take a while to get used to it. The only feature I really miss from the 50D is the sensor cleaning system...the 5D is a dust magnet!

    Thanks for your input!

  6. #26
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    Re: Keep My 50D or Trade for A 5D MkI

    Quote Originally Posted by pikers
    The only feature I really miss from the 50D is the sensor cleaning system...the 5D is a dust magnet!

    Tell me about it! I had to clean that thing almost every day when I was shooting macro with it.

    How do you like your 17-40 now?

  7. #27
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    Re: Keep My 50D or Trade for A 5D MkI

    Yeah, I'm going to have to work on my OCD about keeping my stuff 100% dust
    free...I don't think that's possible with the 5D.<o></o>


    Funny you mentioned that...<o></o>


    I've fallen in love with my lenses all over again with the 5D! My most
    recent purchase was the 70-200 f/4L IS and while I liked the results, the focal
    lengths were just too long for what I typically shoot. Now, with the 5D, this
    thing is on my camera almost as much as the 50mm and that thing is usually
    GLUED to my camera. The same with my 50mm, it's much more comfortable to work

    For now, the 17-40, 50mm, and 70-200 have me covered for almost anything.
    I'll probably end up moving to all primes (34, 50, 85, 100 MACRO or 135), but
    for now, I'm loving this setup!<o></o>

  8. #28

    Re: Keep My 50D or Trade for A 5D MkI

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
    You're going to love full frame!

    Daniel Browning, you're making me covet. I can't wait to go full frame. I miss the view from my film camera.

    How's the 5DII with dust, out of curiosity?

  9. #29
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    Melbourne, FL

    Re: Keep My 50D or Trade for A 5D MkI

    Quote Originally Posted by Gina Franco

    How's the 5DII with dust, out of curiosity?


    The 5DmkII is great when it comes to dust resistance. The coating on the low pass resist dust very well. The once or twice that I've had dust on the filter a quick squeeze of a Rocket blower took care of it.

    With that said, I'm sure I will hear how Rocket blowers are not clean and can make the sensor dirty and can blow dust on the mirror or prism. But it works for me.

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