Nice pics Denise & thekingb. I've never seen a Little Green Heron before.
Nice pics Denise & thekingb. I've never seen a Little Green Heron before.
See my photos:
Thanks Dave! I haven't seen many. This morning, however, there was a pair at my pond. I really needed a 500mm lens (sigh). I watched one go fishing and got a couple shots of the catch, but they're not very good because of the distance. Here's one with the fish in his mouth.
photo by thekingb, on Flickr
Nice heron shots! Most I believe stick around the same area so it looks like you may get many more chances!
Here's one of daddy robin bringing food to his wandering trio ...
Dinner is ready! by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
A couple more from this AM--
Says Phoebe, 7D, 500L, ISO 160, F8, 1/160th, FLahs with Better beamer, -2 1/3,