I agree, you should go. We all need you out there.
Thanks Ahab. I watched a video the other day that motivated me to get in and do some photoshop work. So as a test run I took one of my HB shots from this summer and tried some of that artsy stuff that Joel and Denise are famous for.
Opened The pic in Lightroom
Desaturated, removed contrast and shadow
Opened in CS6 as a smart object
Copied to a new layer as smart object
Then opened new layer Smart Object in ACR and put all color and contrast back in
Merged the two layers and blended in overlay mode, adjusted opacity a little and tweaked the sliders to taste
flattened the image
then applied the "oil paint" filter and tweaked those sliders to taste
Here is the result: (note--it looks much better on a black background)
What do you think?
Here is the original:
Last edited by bob williams; 10-13-2012 at 04:51 AM.
I like the original a lot, but the edit rocks.
Btw I also like the somewhat unusual and extreme position of the bird. You posted a few others with unusual poses at the end of your season that I really liked.
Never---Although, I have been using LR much like you use ACR. Make basic adjustments LR (Same engine as ACR), then open in PS for sharpening, backgrounds, layers etc.
I do have a question for one of you PS guru's. When you open a smart object in PS, how do you unlink the image from the original?
Here's one from this afternoon
ISO 1000
Wow, amazing woodpecker image Joel!
See my photos:
Thanks Dave!