Nice shot, Joel. You got the exposure perfect. His face is so clear.
Nice shot, Joel. You got the exposure perfect. His face is so clear.
Mark - Flickr
Great cardinal shots Joel and Mark. Here's one that I like b/c the blue sky makes such a nice color contrast. 1Dx, 600mm f4L II, ISO 1600, 1/1250, f8, better beamer flash fill at -1 & 1/3, 600EX flash. The flash fill works well to balance the contrast b/t bird and background - plus adds a catchlight to the eye.
I agree, Vern. The background sky really makes that one pop.
Here are some from this morning.
Serious backlighting here (facing east), but the 400 5.6 with its very nice hood handled it well.
Some lessons here. I left my focus setting as it was, which was center point expanded. That worked fine for BIF against a blue sky, but here it tended to grab focus on the greatest area of contrast, which was the tree trunk against the background sky. Just a couple inches off. I could have shot stopped down a bit, but I was already shooting too slow at 1/800 and didn't want to bump the ISO on the 7D any further than 800. Switching to center point only would have helped tighten up the focus, I think. I also got some images of cards and bluejays flying in and out of the feeder, but 1/1800 was too slow to really grab those shots. My 6D cranked to ISO 2000 or higher would have been a better choice for the flying shots as well as the increased DOF.
Mark - Flickr
Got to the lake about 4PM and hung around waiting for the eagles to show. It was the first really nice day we've had this year, so the lake was busy with fisherman, including two couples near me with kids who screamed and cried the entire time I was there. But I digress.
The eagle showed up at about the same time as the last time I was at the lake, right around 5PM. I took other shots of loons and gulls and so on, but I wasn't happy with them at all. I have to say my technique with the 7D/400-5.6 combo needs work. I'm quite disappointed in my captures. The 7D does not lend itself to major cropping like the 6D does. And sadly, I was pretty far away from all the action, like 1/3 to 1/2 mile. None of my shots today were really crisp. Overall, a big letdown. I was using the tripod and gimbal head, so I can't blame hand-holding. I probably should have taken the time to switch to the 6D just for comparison.
Anyway, here are some shots. The big culprit in all of these was the lack of reach. Most are crops in the 80-90% range.
Mark - Flickr
Good definitely are too far away to expect much detail, even with an 800mm lens. I don't know the location so maybe there is no other way.
With the 400mm f/5.6 I would say you need to be within 100 feet or closer to really get detailed images, just a guess on my part. I'm sure there is a way to calculate it exactly.
Nice to see Eagles though.....
I think it also depends on the day. With that much air between subject and lens, the quality of the air (moisture, dust) affects the image significantly
Went shooting this a number of almost great shots. but each of them seemed to have something wrong with it.
first one would be my favorite, I love the back-lighting on the wings, but I missed with the focus. wings are sharp face is out of focus.
second, I like the motion in the wings, but again wish the face was sharp.
lastly, I love owls, so naturally I love this photo, its just too bad it was sitting on a construction cone instead of a natural perch.
oh well, maybe next time.
Agreed. Unfortunately this lake has some very inaccessible shorelines with either steep sides or swamps. I was standing on a man-made "beach" area across the lake from the eagles. With the naked eye I could barely pick out a white spot in the trees when he was sitting still for a bit. I'd really need a boat to get closer.
You're right. It was fairly hazy yesterday. I'm sure that didn't help.
Mark - Flickr
Love the owl shot, Nick. He looks very impatient, like his hands are behind his back and he's tapping that front foot.
Mark - Flickr
Nice shots Nick.... word......................kayak