Very nice texturing and post processing of the SNowy Owl Denise, very cool, please keep posting!
Very nice texturing and post processing of the SNowy Owl Denise, very cool, please keep posting!
Preening Anhinga
ISO 4000
Spring is here
Playing around with the new Kenko 1.4x TC on my 400 5.6 this morning. It AF'd fine at f8 on the 6D. These are pretty heavy crops, too.
Couple Downy WP shots.
Female Cardinal
Mark - Flickr
Results are looking good Mark. The cardinal pose, sharpness, etc is great, but it would be a lot better if the bird were perching on something more natural.
See my photos:
Agree, the detail resolution looks very very good....I would even say you could do slightly less sharpening in post and be just fine with these images. I think the Cardinal pose is really nice but, to my old eyes, it looks a little over-sharpened.
PS Have you found a cheap source for peanuts?...'round here they are way too high to consider feeding them to wildlife
Last edited by Joel Eade; 04-18-2013 at 01:50 AM.
Agreed. I especially like the female cardinal.
Male Goldfinch changing into summer plumage
1DX + 300mm f/2.8L + 2X TCIII
Iso 3200
Thanks, Joel. I buy 50lb bags of peanut pickouts (not for human consumption) at a local feed store. I think the 50lb bag runs about $40. It lasts me 6 or 7 weeks, especially during the good weather when there are other food sources. I put out the peanuts and black oil sunflower seeds every day.
Mark - Flickr