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Thread: IS vs Non IS lenses

  1. #31

    Re: IS vs Non IS lenses

    Thanks Chuck! I'm pretty excited about it!

  2. #32
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: IS vs Non IS lenses

    Quote Originally Posted by Dallasphotog

    I want to see a bunch of those pictures from the EF200 f/2.0...I keep telling my daughter we need it for basketball season.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    If you get one, you might as well super-glue it onto the camera, 'cuz you won't want to take it off. The 85L may be addictive, but the 200/2 turned me into a bouncing superball with glee for the better part of 40 hours last month. Oh, is there an aperture control? I can't imagine why I'd need it...I seem to enjoy framing singular things in this viewfinder. Oh, is there an ISO knob? I can't imagine I'd need it...ISO 200 and f/2 and a ridiculously good IS unit means my pictures are awesome every time (unless the subject moves a lot).

    All shots 200/2LIS on a 1D Mark III, ISO 800 (don't know why!), evaluative metering -1/3 (I was experimenting then), AI Servo on center point, RAW, white balance correction and JPEG conversion in DPP, no other processing.

    Down the slide (1/500th). This is about the sixth frame I shot with the lens whatsoever - learning curve isn't bad.

    Hey ma, no hands (1/640th)

    Check the bokeh. I'm 5'9", the boys are in one of those playground plastic cars on a bendy spring, so they're probably sitting 1' off the ground. I'm 10-12' away, shooting downwards though not very much so, and the background is just plain mush.

    Portrait orientation, on-camera flash (thankfully it clears the lens hood enough!), and you can count the eyelashes.

    As Bryan's review says, "This is one of those lenses that can set you and your work apart from the competition", and he isn't kidding. However, as a "beginner lens collector", I sadly realize that it's a long way away on the shopping list (especially with a girlfriend into photography as well). Since I have a very functional and very versatile 70-200/2.8IS, I have the 200mm focal length covered, with IS, only one stop slower, and I anticipate getting the 300/2.8 and 500/4 before I come back for the 200/2 and 400/2.8. More to come from the wedding rehearsal once I post those.
    We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.

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