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Thread: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

  1. #31
    Junior Member
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    Re: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

    Even before the 7D was launched, I was disappointed that the 5D II didn't get an improved AF system. I've always been unhappy with the AF capability of
    the Canon bodies I've owned (all sub-1 series), particularly in Servo mode. So, my hands will remain in my pockets until Canon introduces the 5D III which I feel sure will get the 7D-style AF system its price warrants.

    I don't care too much about frame rate, nor about the 5D II's user-unfriendly video functionality (the 7D's controls appear much better). The AF really is the only killer for me.

  2. #32
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    Re: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

    sure, they could have included better AF, 8 fps, dual processors, artificial horizon, but the price would not have been $2700. I don't feel cheated by Canon, and neither should you. For the intended purposes, potraits, landscape and studio work, the 5D Mark II is an excellent camera. You want the ultimate camera in term of image quality and performance, get the $5000 1D Mark IV or wait for the 1Ds Mark IV. Get over it and be happy with your camera []

  3. #33
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    Re: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

    The price is now 2500 at adorama (:

    2200 refurbished

  4. #34

    Re: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinh Nhut Nguyen

    sure, they could have included better AF, 8 fps, dual processors, artificial horizon, but the price would not have been $2700. I don't feel cheated by Canon, and neither should you. For the intended purposes, potraits, landscape and studio work, the 5D Mark II is an excellent camera. You want the ultimate camera in term of image quality and performance, get the $5000 1D Mark IV or wait for the 1Ds Mark IV. Get over it and be happy with your camera [img]/emoticons/emotion-1.gif[/img]
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Well said, Nate! Ditto!

  5. #35

    Re: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

    Quote Originally Posted by bburns223
    The nikon EXPEED processor is better.
    Better? Because it's neither capable of a frame rate that can scare even an entry level camera nor capable of 1080p video? As soon as you use the full image recording capability of the camera (14-bit RAW), they drop to rates in the 1.8-2.5 frames/second range, where the Canon cameras always provide 14-bit conversion, without loosing their frame rate.

    Different, sure, but better?

    A Canon 3D would probably incorporate the high full frame resolution and at least 40D-ish frame rate, probably coupled with some more advanced autofocus and some other goodies, but at a cost approaching the 1D Mark IV.

  6. #36
    Junior Member
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    Re: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinh Nhut Nguyen

    sure, they could have included better AF, 8 fps, dual processors, artificial horizon, but the price would not have been $2700. I don't feel cheated by Canon, and neither should you. For the intended purposes, potraits, landscape and studio work, the 5D Mark II is an excellent camera. You want the ultimate camera in term of image quality and performance, get the $5000 1D Mark IV or wait for the 1Ds Mark IV. Get over it and be happy with your camera [img]/emoticons/emotion-1.gif[/img]
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    As I said before, I'm not bothered by the lack of any of the stuff you listed, except for the AF which appears to be no better than the AF on the original Rebel body (arguably worse because it covers a smaller area of the frame).

    I've chosen not to buy a 5D II specifically because, as you say yourself, its intended purpose is 'portraits, landscape and studio work', i.e. static subjects only. Being barely able to track my kids running in their sports day (as is my past experience of Canon's 9-point AF system) is too much of a shortcoming for any $2,700 body in my view. I'm not a spec-head - all I was hoping for was an upgrade of the old AF system which I've found inadequate in the past.

    I'll wait for the 5D III which I'm sure will get a 7D-style AF system and will then be a good general-purpose body, rather than a body equipped only for static subjects. I bet the 5D III will be out next year.

    All the best.

  7. #37
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    Re: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

    At $2200refurbished, I'm considering adding a second 5d II to my arsenal. I have no trouble tracking non-static objects and have the pics to prove it:

    I noticed a positive difference between my 40d and my 5d II in terms of auto focus. I tried out the 7D today and loved it though. But the 5d gets the focus right good enough for me (: That said, my only real gripe is the 1/200 flash sync speed ): grrr

  8. #38
    Senior Member Bill W's Avatar
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    Re: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

    CH....great volley ball about a little info on the shot, i.e. exif, lens, how close were you, andwhere did you focus for this shot?



  9. #39
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    Re: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

    5d II + canon 24-70 @ 24mm

    AI servo all points active from ~4 feet away. Subject would sprint from out of frame right to dead center in a split second and the 5d would lock right away.

    iso 1600, f/3.2, 1/200 sec

  10. #40
    Senior Member
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    Re: Any Other 5D MKII Owners Feel A Bit Cheated?

    Why would any 5D MKII owner feel cheated? It had a great feature set which was openly available for people to see in person or research at their convenience. The price was openly advertised. If anyone found the price unreasonable for the feature set, no one forced them to purchase the camera. They could walk away. Any one purchasing the camera shouldn't feel cheated because they were never obligated to purchase the camera. They only bought it if they chose.

    As technology advances everyday, certainly it would be great if newer features could have been incorporated into older cameras like the 5D MKII which is a year old now. If they were, I'm sure people would want even more features included.

    Yes, I would have loved to have more features in my 5D MKII but I purchased it and haven't looked back. It's a great camera.

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