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Thread: I need assistance asap!

  1. #31
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    I think you earlier mentioned the Sigma 30mm. This is basically a normal lens for your 1.6 crop. Look back at the EXIF of images from your previous 17-55. Would the 30 fit most of them or do you need wider. You may be happier with the 30 prime over the 17-40 f4. Just be prepared to go through a copy or two like you did with your 85

  2. #32
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725 View Post
    I'm off to scouting prices of 17-40's just to see what's out there.
    Check KEH: $645

  3. #33
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    Haha congratz on the 135L Denise!

    Not to be rude Mark, but I tested the 17-40 once and it was absolutely horrible in the FF corners. How is that for you? I might have used a bad copy, but a friend of mine bought it for his 7D and he doesn't like it either.
    The 17-55 definitely had better IQ, even though it misses the weather-sealing part that I like in the 17-40. Also F4 in FF is not that bad, however on a crop camera it's nice to get a little less DOF from time to time.

  4. #34
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky View Post
    Not to be rude Mark, but
    Not a problem. I am the king of looking at how sharp a lens is in the center and overlooking the corners. Next September I will be going to Alaska and wanted my 1DmkIIn for the speed of AF and frame rate for any wildlife I see but also need to be able to shoot some landscapes. My 24 just is not wide enough for landscapes on this body so I purchased the 17-40. Most of the time I am shooting this wide it is for landscape and I usually vignette them in post so the corners are general not a problem for me. I decided to do some simple testing today anyway. Here are the results:

    5D @ 17mm f4.0

    5D17F4 by clemmb60, on Flickr

    5D @ 17mm f8.0

    5D17F8 by clemmb60, on Flickr

    1DmkIIn @ 17mm f4.0

    1D17F4 by clemmb60, on Flickr

    1DmkIIn @ 17mm f8.0

    1D17F8 by clemmb60, on Flickr

    I also have similar images @ 40mm on my flicker page. I loaded full file to my flicker but can only view 1024 x 683? When I look at others on flicker I can view full size. I do not know what I am doing wrong.

    Last edited by clemmb; 03-04-2012 at 09:21 PM.

  5. #35
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    Thanks Mark! It seems that the 1D makes up for the extreme corners so that's nice!
    I also took a look in my archive. When I tested the 17-40 I tested it against the Sigma 12-24. Which is clearly a lot better in the extreme corners(12mm) than the Canon on it's widest. At that time I had no lens correction profile and I applied it yesterday and it seems to do a very good job on the 17-40. I still don't like the extreme corners, but to be fair you'd only notice if there was any interesting detail in the corners and you'd be looking at 100% or a large print. Nothing to worry about I guess "Horrible" was kind of out of line. In normal use you probably wouldn't notice it.
    As for the full resolution view on Flickr. I'm a Pro member and I can see all sizes(my photos) and you might also be able to view my photos in all sizes, but I cannot see yours so you're probably not a pro-member? Could that be?

  6. #36
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky View Post
    you're probably not a pro-member? Could that be?
    I thought that may be the case but was not sure. I am just going the free route for now.

  7. #37
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    Well, after seeing online photos taken with the Canon 50mm 1.8 II, I figured it would be good enough for me for as often as I use a 50mm prime, so I sold the Sigma 50mm and bought the little plastic baby instead of a used older version I and am very pleased with my decision, as long as it doesn't ever get stuck on my camera!

    Now, I just sold the Tammy which I couldn't see owning a lens that has 2.8 if it's not really useable at 2.8. I couldn't swing the lens of choice, the Canon 17-55mm new or used this time around and as much as I would like to own the Sigma 30mm, I really want a zoom that covered most of the range of the Canon. The 17-40mm was really appealing except for it being f/4 and alittle short on the long end. IS would be nice but not necessary. The used price of the 17-40mm was still a tad more than I wanted to spend.

    So, in a few days the Sigma 17-50mm 2.8 OS is moving in! Hopefully, I will be happier with it then the Tammy and Sigma 50mm and just as thrilled with it as the Sigma 85mm!! From what I've read and seen of photos online taken with it, they are fantastic ...if you get a good copy! So, keeping my fingers crossed!!! I have been looking at a very lengthy thread on POTN all day about the Sigma 17-50mm and most are happy with it and their shots look great, so we will see! With the rebate going on, I figured it is worth checking out anyway.

  8. #38
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    Lol Denise! Nah I also hope that the nifty-fifty won't get stuck to your camera. Normally it doesn't I figure
    Let us know how the Sigma performs. I hope you hit the jackpot with it!

  9. #39
    Senior Member Dave Throgmartin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725 View Post
    Well, after seeing online photos taken with the Canon 50mm 1.8 II, I figured it would be good enough for me for as often as I use a 50mm prime, so I sold the Sigma 50mm and bought the little plastic baby instead of a used older version I and am very pleased with my decision, as long as it doesn't ever get stuck on my camera!

    Now, I just sold the Tammy which I couldn't see owning a lens that has 2.8 if it's not really useable at 2.8. I couldn't swing the lens of choice, the Canon 17-55mm new or used this time around and as much as I would like to own the Sigma 30mm, I really want a zoom that covered most of the range of the Canon. The 17-40mm was really appealing except for it being f/4 and alittle short on the long end. IS would be nice but not necessary. The used price of the 17-40mm was still a tad more than I wanted to spend.

    So, in a few days the Sigma 17-50mm 2.8 OS is moving in! Hopefully, I will be happier with it then the Tammy and Sigma 50mm and just as thrilled with it as the Sigma 85mm!! From what I've read and seen of photos online taken with it, they are fantastic ...if you get a good copy! So, keeping my fingers crossed!!! I have been looking at a very lengthy thread on POTN all day about the Sigma 17-50mm and most are happy with it and their shots look great, so we will see! With the rebate going on, I figured it is worth checking out anyway.

    The Tamron 17-50 ISO crops on Bryan's site seem to be very good with the only length the Canon soundly beats it at is 50mm. Was 50mm the problem you had or was it the other lengths too?


  10. #40
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    The Tammy wasn't a bad lens at anything but 2.8 - maybe 3.5 at any length, at least not my copy IMO. Also, IMO if a lens has 2.8 it should be at least somewhat usable at 2.8. Overall, I just couldn't accept this lens for some reason and avoided using it, could be because I once owned the Canon 17-55mm.

    I absolutely love my Sigma 85mm but if I owned the Canon 85mm 1.2 L II previously, I probably wouldn't like it as much either but I didn't, I owned the 1.8 and this is a great improvement.

    The Sigma 50mm was also a great improvement over my 50mm 1.4 IQ-wise but it had some occaisional backfocusing issues I noticed and I realized I really didn't need a 50mm prime all that much and the 1.8 II would suit me just fine and it does. With the extra $, I was able to get a number of other things I needed more.

    If I get a good copy of the Sigma 17-50mm, I know I will be more than thrilled! Sigma makes good lens IMO but getting a good copy is the key! People that have the Siggy 30mm love it as you can tell on the used market ...they are extremely hard to get ahold of second-hand. I was looking for quite awhile before I bought the Canon 50mm 1.8.

    From what I have seen and read about the Sigma 17-50mm, it will be worth sending back a time or two if the first copy doesn't work out and just wait until a good copy comes through for me.

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