Quote Originally Posted by RonG

O.K. Guys this is my final suggestion and it is pure Gold.

First the lens: I love my canon and you will hear all about Sigmas and focusing issues however a sports photographer for a local paper uses this lens and her stuff is awsome.

1) Sigma 27-70mm f2.8: [url="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=NavBar&A=getItemDetail&Q=&sku=3 50973&is=REG&si=rev#anchorToReadReviews]http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=NavBar&A=getItemDetail&Q=&sku=3 50973&is=REG&si=rev#anchorToReadReviews[/url] $569.00

2) Canon 1D (that's right a 1D): I found mine use for $384 dollars at Adorama and it is a tank. Battery Life Sucks but I get consistent 350 shots per battery pack which are $25 from Batteries.com [url="http://www.adorama.com/US%20%20%20%20333382.html]http://www.adorama.com/US%20%20%20%20333382.html[/url]$499.00

3) Noise Ninja Software for noise reduction at 1600 and 3200 ISO $80.00

4) Genuine Fractals for huge enlargement $80.00 Student Discount

I don't care what others may say I actually prefer my 1D over my 40D for all sports, focusing is awsome and you will love it. All manuals are available online and the small LCD on the back will keep you from chimping and missing shots. Good Luck
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You, sir, are a genius [:P]