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Thread: Has the M-Series Arrived?

  1. #31
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Busted Knuckles View Post
    LOL - which man'f has the reliability/customer service edge again? I don't have enough insight to opine thoughtfully on this topic.

    The comment about "niche" sounds like an interesting debate. If I am in the niche - it is a pretty big niche....
    * Don't charge anybody money for my photo output/activity.
    * Virtually 100% image viewing on a screen vs. print - (that is the biggy as it is limited to 10 bit depth best case)
    * Modest cropping for composition
    * Poor photoshop skills, perhaps a bit of shadow/highlight push/pull
    * When in doubt bracket the exposure
    * Enough disposable income that a net 2-3k total cost for a system change is comprehensible (stings, but isn't fatal to the marriage)
    * Would take my gear more often if it was smaller. (I do not buy the cramps my fingers comments as this means you are holding your camera vs. lens when exposing the shot and the right hand should have a very light touch - good thing I am equally dysfunctional with both hands)
    * shoot 99.9% of the time in adequate light (I know every shot has shadows and highlights - back in the day, I used 11 zone construct for my B&W)

    No doubt I like the feel, sound and feedback of the 5DIII on silent shutter mode (5Ds series even better), something very satisfying and visceral.
    Really like my glass config. I could see 50% of it staying in my bag w/ an adapter. But having an option to have a really small "walking around" package that has top of the line feature set..... hmmmm..... Look at the relative size of a MF 24-70 equiv to that of a APS/FF. One fits into a purse/backpack without much fuss, the other.....

    Regardless, looking forward to your wife's conference. If we can get onto the Orlando Wetlands Park that would be nifty (Circle B equiv but WAY bigger).

    Happy clicks.


    Post script. Having read my post - sort of begs the question what are you waiting for? Get a MF body, a 12-35 f2.8, an adapter and sell off the 50% of the glass that is redundant, etc. Hmmmmm.... thinking, thinking, thinking.

    Great days to all

    Hi Mike....the manufacturer repair comment is based on my experience with Canon, which has all been positive, and what I read. Most specifically from Lensrentals. For example, look toward the end of this article. Canon 4-5 days per repair, Nikon ~24 days. Granted, that article is ~3 yrs old at this point. But I pretty continually hear things in Lensrental blogs that reaffirm Sony/Nikon having repair center issues and Canon being pretty darn good.

    As for niche, I was talking about the one I was trying to fill. I am still building my kit around Canon FF bodies. My next body will likely be a 5DIV. So the niche I was looking to fill was not a primary body, but rather a secondary or backup body that was smaller/lighter and had a few things I do not have on the 5DIII such as a flip screen, etc. Something that I hope to use maybe 10-20% of the time, up from 4% in 2016.

    As for what you are sounds to me like you might not need to swap systems, but just invest in a second smaller system. This is essentially what I have done as well as a few others. Over in the "What was Used" thread, a couple of forum members were using an M2 and A6000 for a pretty significant percentage of their shots in 2016, but had the dual option of Canon FF and a smaller mirrorless body.

    Maybe in Feb we not only hit the wetlands park, but a camera store or two

  2. #32
    I purchased an M5 last month, and love it as a compliment to my 5DsR and full frame lenses. I perviously owned an M1 that I used as a point and shoot for non moving subjects. The M5 has an excellent AF system and now I finally have a small, light camera I can use for family outings without missing on action shots.

    I currently own the 22/2, 15-45 and 55-200, which is a pretty complete and versatile travel kit.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

  3. #33
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    bumped into a new M5 user and they where quite happy with the possible exception of low light, wild life - long focal length native mount vs. adapter and perhaps focus speed???, but they were quite happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthDallas40 View Post
    I purchased an M5 last month, and love it as a compliment to my 5DsR and full frame lenses. I perviously owned an M1 that I used as a point and shoot for non moving subjects. The M5 has an excellent AF system and now I finally have a small, light camera I can use for family outings without missing on action shots.

    I currently own the 22/2, 15-45 and 55-200, which is a pretty complete and versatile travel kit.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
    If you see me with a wrench, call 911

  4. #34
    I've been happy with the low light, high ISO performance overall. I've shot quite a few pics of the kids inside with ISO up to 6400 and they turned out great with some noise reduction.

    I haven't tried to shoot wildlife with any EF glass yet. I did try shooting some eagles in flight in poor light with the EF-M 55-200 and it didn't perform well, but under those conditions my 5DsR and 300 f/2.8 II would not have produced any keepers either. It was just all I had at the time and I figured it would be a good test.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

  5. #35
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    So, M6 is announced. Looks like a M5 in a M3 form factor. Very interesting to me. I have just recently picked up the M3 (it and the EVF-DC1). Both of which have now been replaced (granted the DC2 doesn't swivel up, which is a nice feature).

    Now that I have tested the M3, I can say I am happy with the IQ when I have focus, but the AF is slow (can't keep up with a walking Ibis). So I will be interested in hearing how the AF is on the M6.

  6. #36
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    I'm also quite tempted by the M6. M5 form factor is too large for my intended use, and I'm quite happy with my M2. But DPAF would be fun to play with, and my older daughter seems ready to graduate from a P&S to an ILC, so I have an excuse to hand down the M2...

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