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Thread: 2nd Body Choices!

  1. #31
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: 2nd Body Choices!

    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan7
    The 5D II is not a good camera for action. It has the same AF and frame rate as the Rebel T2i

    To be fair, although they share the same 9 selectable AF points with only the center one as a cross-type, the 5DII has 6 'invisible' AF-assist points that, in theory, make for better AI-Servo tracking. But, the 5DII has the same AF system as the original 5D, so I'd bet that microprocessor and algorithm improvements Canon has made in the ~5 years separating the original 5D from the T2i more than make up for the difference.

    Also, the 5DII is a whole 0.2 fps faster on frame rate than the T2i. Wow. [:P]

    Quote Originally Posted by <span>Richard Lane
    I'm currently waiting to purchase a full frame, fast auto focus camera from Canon; perhaps it will be a 1Ds-IV or a 5D-III.

    Me, too.

  2. #32
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: 2nd Body Choices!

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    and a 1.6 x crop factor to get closer to your subject.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    the extra reach

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    the 7D really shines with the reach

    The 7D has inferior reach to a 5DII, because you just put an extender to match the focal length and get much sharper results. The 7D crops the image while the 5D II crops optically and attains better image quality. You may say what if I am already using a an extender, then stack them. There is no reall limit on how many extenders you can put. Why notput a 7D on the longest you have, because there is no such thing as the longest focal length you have because you just get more extenders. Untill of course your f/number is so slow thatAF does not work anymore. Then you have a problem.


  3. #33
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    Re: 2nd Body Choices!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Glass

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    and a 1.6 x crop factor to get closer to your subject.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    the extra reach

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    the 7D really shines with the reach

    The 7D has inferior reach to a 5DII, because you just put an extender to match the focal length and get much sharper results. The 7D crops the image while the 5D II crops optically and attains better image quality. You may say what if I am already using a an extender, then stack them. There is no reall limit on how many extenders you can put. Why notput a 7D on the longest you have, because there is no such thing as the longest focal length you have because you just get more extenders. Untill of course your f/number is so slow thatAF does not work anymore. Then you have a problem.

    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    Yes, the 1.4x works on the 5D Mk II but you will lose AF speed, loss of one stop, loss of sharpness, some more chromatic abberation, and maybe some loss of contrast depending on lighting and the shot. The quality of the shot still is probably going to be pretty good but what if you can get virtually the same thing with the 7D and no 1.4x? The shot is still going to be pretty good but you have an extra stop, your AF is full speed on the lens, and the AF is more accurate on the 7D.

    So, the comparison is on using the 5D Mk II with the 1.4x and the 7D with the bare lens. In general, as you state,the IQ of the 5D Mk II is still probably marginally better but in GOOD lighting, the 7D's pictures are indistinguishable from the 5D Mk II's with the 1.4x.

    What if you had a kit of a 5D Mk II, a 7D, a 1.4x and whatever long glass you use and using the 5D Mk II with a 1.4x or the 7D by itself just doesn't cut it with the distant subject you're shooting? Well, the name of the game is to get the best shot possible with whatever gear you've got. The best use of your gear would be to use the 7D with the 1.4x extender.

    In GOOD lighting, the results are very good. If you can't afford a 500 mm F4L IS or longer or don't want to pack it around in the bush or have the stamina to patiently hand hold it while waiting for that killer shot, the 7D:

    *allows you to get closer to the subject with the 1.6x crop factor

    *gives you extra reach - with what you've got for glass

    *and the 7D really shines with that extra reach - because it gives you superior AF and doesn't kill you to pack it around

    Yes, the 7D is only really a crop body and since it is 18 megapixels, each of those pixels are really small. It gives extra reach in a nice small manageable package but at a compromise. My experience is that you better be prepared to practice holding your breath and holding still, even at high shutter speeds because any movement will result in loss of sharpness as the image gets "smeared" to adjacent pixels as the shutter is pressed.

    Yes, the 5D Mk II has such great image quality that I want to use it everywhere but for those really long shots, it just can't pull it all in, even with the 1.4x and even with cropping of the image afterwards. This where I use the 7D and it does more than a satisfactory job. It gives me the reach I need with great AF.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: 2nd Body Choices!

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    loss of one stop,

    Yes, but you lose lightly more than one stop with the 7D because you are cropping away light.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    some more chromatic abberation,

    You will increase chromatic abbreation with a 7D also becuase you are throwing away lens resolution and magifying lens defects.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    loss of contrast depending on lighting and the shot.

    You also loose contrast with the 7D. The lightingdoes not affect the actual contrast of the lens, it affects the picture.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    still probably marginally better but in GOOD lighting,

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    the 7D's pictures are indistinguishable from the 5D Mk II's with the 1.4x.

    It would be significantly better, and even better in low light because the 5D II has better dynamic range and color tones.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    The best use of your gear would be to use the 7D with the 1.4x extender.

    Im not talking about that, what I am talking about is the fact that a 7D has inferior reach than a 5D II. If that is the case then why not just crop and why make extenders? Either cropping is better or extenders are better, you can't have amixture of both. Thats why medium format isbetter than 35mm.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    My experience is that you better be prepared to practice holding your breath and holding still, even at high shutter speeds because any movement will result in loss of sharpness as the image gets "smeared" to adjacent pixels as the shutter is pressed.

    That has nothing to with our conversation about reach, you need just as high of a shutter with a 1.6 or a FF.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    *gives you extra reach - with what you've got for glass

    The 7D is just a lower quality extender, to say "make the most of your glass with a 7D" is equivallant to saying "make the most of your glass with a lesser quality 3rd party extender". It's the same thing.

    There are advantages with the 7D which make it very suitible for wildlife and birds, but I am talking about reach only. I would like to say that the 7D would not look terrible, Nate uses it and his shots are great! But if Canon made the 7D with a full-frame sensor it would be significantly better.

    I do not want to get anybody mad here, just a civalized debate.


  5. #35
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: 2nd Body Choices!

    To paraphrase, John, you're saying a FF + 1.4x extender is better than cropping the sensor. How does that jive with the fact that Canon's 1D series - their professional camera intended for use outside the studio in exactly those situations where one might want an extender - is a 1.3x crop sensor?


  6. #36
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: 2nd Body Choices!

    Whytheychose APS-H instead of 35mm is beyond me. Although, even Canon says it is inferior to 35mm. If I were to guess why, it would probabbly because of cost. It is quite a bit cheaper.

    As far as reach goes, you do have more lens resolution but you don't have enough pixels to take advantage of it. So you would be better off with the 7D.


  7. #37
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    Re: 2nd Body Choices!

    I thought the purpose of this thread was to help SafariMonkey consider choices for gear for his trip to Africa and all my comments have been considered on that basis. To give him some facts based on experience to help him make choices. As for the 7D as an option for his trip, my comments have been based on considering the "whole package" and "reach" is one of those factors if he is looking to packing a second body for his particular application - taking photos of animals at a distance with whatever other lenses he is carrying with him. Certainly, my aim is not to have a debate on the "reach" alone as it pertains to a generic crop body.

    I'm not sure if we will ever agree on a discussion of "reach" but steering the discussion back to the original question, here's some more points to consider. And as stated above, please consider them in the context of the "whole 7D" package, and how it may be suitable for use in an outdoor wildlife application such as a safari.

    As you said in your last post, the purpose is to have a civilized discussion and not to get anyone upset. I think SafariMonkey will have two interesting viewpoints for consideration, yours and mine. They don't necessarily agree but should give him fodder to decide on what may be suitable for his trip. So, here we go, based on my experiences on the 7D:

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Glass

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    loss of one stop,

    Yes, but you lose lightly more than one stop with the 7D because you are cropping away light.

    If you are using a lens like a 300 mm F2.8 lens, it still works at F2.8 on a 7D (with aview similar to a 480 mm lens). If you put a 1.4x on the lense for the 5D Mk II to get a similar view (420 mm), it is shooting at F4. If you already have a 5D Mk ii, a 7D does give you flexibility in your gear as a second body and something for longer shots, especially if you also want to use the 1.4x too - get up to 672 mm at F4.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    some more chromatic abberation,

    You will increase chromatic abbreation with a 7D also becuase you are throwing away lens resolution and magifying lens defects.

    I believe chromatic abberation is a function of the quality of glass and the amount of glass that light has to travel through. You put less glass for light to travel through, including that of a 1.4x, the better off you are with your image. As far as throwing away lens resolution, the smaller pixels of the 7D gets you all the resolution you have in your lenses so it's important to use good glass. And if your glass isn't the best, you will see all those defects. Yes, you only use the center field of view of the lenses where the best quality of the image field is and you do throw out the corners, where the quality diminishes. If you also have a full frame body, you get to use it there.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    loss of contrast depending on lighting and the shot.

    You also loose contrast with the 7D. The lightingdoes not affect the actual contrast of the lens, it affects the picture.

    Contrast is also a function of the quantity and quality of glass that light has to go through. A 1.4x extender adds to losing contrast by adding more glass for light to transmit. You probably lose contrast in the 7D with the smaller pixels for light collecting but without lots of testing, who's to know what's technically really less intrusive? My experience is that the more that I shoot with the 7D, the more impressed I am with the image quality. They sure did a nice job on the sensor. Knowing the limitations of the 7D, and using it in GOOD lighting conditions, I have no hesitation using it with a 1.4x extender and getting images as good as I would get using the same lens and the 1.4x on the 5D Mk II, only I get better close-ups when I need them.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    still probably marginally better but in GOOD lighting,

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    the 7D's pictures are indistinguishable from the 5D Mk II's with the 1.4x.

    It would be significantly better, and even better in low light because the 5D II has better dynamic range and color tones.

    My experience is that in GOOD lighting, there is not that much difference. Yes, if you shoot in back-lit situations or with heavy shadows, the 5D Mk II is noticeably better. If you avoid those situations with the 7D, you can get great shots.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    The best use of your gear would be to use the 7D with the 1.4x extender.

    Im not talking about that, what I am talking about is the fact that a 7D has inferior reach than a 5D II. If that is the case then why not just crop and why make extenders? Either cropping is better or extenders are better, you can't have amixture of both. Thats why medium format isbetter than 35mm.

    The original purpose of the thread was to give SafariMonkey and idea on what he could use on his trip. If he had a 7D, 5D Mk II, 1.4x, and a 300 mm lens on his trip, why won't he use the 7D with the 1.4x on the 300 mm lens to get a better shot of that lion in the distance, especially if there is good even lighting? What he would get would be a decent picture with more resolution than if he chose only to use the 5D Mk II, the 1.4x, and the lens and try to crop in post processing. If he does have to post process, he has more pixels to work with too.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    My experience is that you better be prepared to practice holding your breath and holding still, even at high shutter speeds because any movement will result in loss of sharpness as the image gets "smeared" to adjacent pixels as the shutter is pressed.

    That has nothing to with our conversation about reach, you need just as high of a shutter with a 1.6 or a FF.

    You are right. This has nothing to do with reach but it is applicable for considering the "7D - whole package" as a body to take along for a safari. It's something I've noticed in my experience that I thought I'd share with SafariMonkey for his consideration of the pro's and con's of the 7D.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN
    *gives you extra reach - with what you've got for glass

    The 7D is just a lower quality extender, to say "make the most of your glass with a 7D" is equivallant to saying "make the most of your glass with a lesser quality 3rd party extender". It's the same thing.

    I don't agree with you about the 7D being a "lower quality extender." As before, you have to consider the "whole package", the blazingly fast AF, the super accurate AF, the 8 fps, and even the 18 megapixel sensor. You also have to be aware of the limitations too. The image is softer, you lose shadow detail even at lower ISO's, you have to shoot at higher shutter speeds and hold still, and in average lighting conditions, your image quality will be lower than the 5D Mk II. If you take all this into account and can minimize these conditions, you will be rewarded with excellent results using the 7D. I won't hesitate using a 1.4x with it.

    When I first purchased the 7D, I thought it would be an alternative to buying bigger glass, so in effect an extender like you say. In practice,my expectations were far surpassed as all the features of the 7D contributed to a great package that delivered fantastic pictures, in many respects equal in IQ to the 5D Mk II and in other shotssurpassing the 5D Mk II with the AF and 8 fps.

    Back to the extender thing again. I only use Canon's 1.4x as most reviews of the 2x indicate too much loss of IQ. I've never used any third party extender either. The 1.4x is suppose to only degrade an image only slightly while giving more reach at a loss of one stop. If you want to think of a 7D as an "extender", why would you not want to use an extender that gives you 2.24x more focal length with the loss of one stop, but also provides killer AF, 8 fps, and really good IQ if you watch the lighting. To boot, it is more affordable than getting a bigger lens for the 5D MkII, a lot more light weight thanbig glass, more portable in the field, and gives you a second body.

    There are advantages with the 7D which make it very suitible for wildlife and birds, but I am talking about reach only. I would like to say that the 7D would not look terrible, Nate uses it and his shots are great! But if Canon made the 7D with a full-frame sensor it would be significantly better.

    As before, the intent of the thread was to give SafariMonkey advice on a second body. That was the intent of my comments - the suitability of a 7D for his safari. As far as reach goes, it's part of the features that come with the 7D. In terms of arguing the merits of reach as it pertains to FF vs 1.6x crop, I can only comment on what my experiences are. I am interested in the topic but who really as access to all the technical data on optical design and sensor design to really give a conclusive answer? I don't and can't but I can comment on my experiences of FF and 1.6x crop in the field.

    I too have also pondered a 7D with a full frame sensor. To me, that would be the 5D Mk II with the 7D AF. I wondered why they never did that in the first place. That would have been an awesome package. Instead, I ending up getting a 7D to supplement the 5D Mk II. Now that I have a 7D, I do enjoy the extra reach it gives me. I have portability and don't have to pack around a really big white lens (although I would really want one sometimes though).

    I do not want to get anybody mad here, just a civalized debate.

    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    I don't know if you've tried a 7D or not but if you know someone who's got one, try to borrow it or even rent one to try out. You REALLY have to try one. I'm sure you will be just as impressed as I was with it.

    I hope SafariMonkey has found this thread helpful. ("Hey, are you still there?") And whatever he uses, I hope he posts some samples for us to see when he gets back.

    Best Regards,


  8. #38
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: 2nd Body Choices!

    Quote Originally Posted by EdN

    I don't know if you've tried a 7D or not but if you know someone who's got one, try to borrow it or even rent one to try out. You REALLY have to try one. I'm sure you will be just as impressed as I was with it.

    I have tried it at a camera shop. Functionly it is great for a camera for it's class. But the IQ is not in the same leage with the 5D II that I also tried. Bryan's noise cropps show about 1 1/3 stops worst noise compared to the 5D II, ex 25,000 looks better on the 5D II than 12,000 on the 7D. That's apretty big differance.

    If I had to choose a camerafrom Canon itwould bethe 1D III, primarily because it unloads the buffer much faster than the 7D,has slightly better noise and 10 fps.

    But if I had to choose a camera from Nikon it would be the D700. It has a full-frame sensor, 8fps, large buffer, better weather sealling than the 5D II or 7D and about 1/3 stop better noise than even the 5D II!

    I am seriously thinking about the Nikon,


  9. #39
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    Re: 2nd Body Choices!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Glass
    But if I had to choose a camera from Nikon it would be the D700. It has a full-frame sensor, 8fps, large buffer, better weather sealling than the 5D II or 7D and about 1/3 stop better noise than even the 5D II!

    Also to point out a few other things: it has 12MP less than the Canon, it's more expensive(about 100euro) and it's only 5FPS instead of 8 without the batterygrip (which is optional and makes it even more expensive).

    Just saying [:P]


  10. #40
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: 2nd Body Choices!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Glass
    25,000 looks better on the 5D II than 12,000 on the 7D. That's apretty big differance.

    Yes, it's a pretty big difference...except for the fact that if you're even considering shooting at ISOs of 12,800 or 25,600, things are already going to hell in a handbasket for your shot!


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