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Thread: EOS-1D Mark IV

  1. #31
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Good point about the 300/2.8 IS lens purchase. You have my vote. Someone may ask though what are you thinking the 1D IV needed to make it a break through camera worth a big release. I'd say I'm not Japinese and I don't get paid the big bucks to design cameras but how about a new pro body that has no moving shutter. Thats where DSLR's are headed so why not break it out now!

  2. #32
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    I still don't understand, why do you need a shutter? In live view you don't use the shutter....[8-)]

  3. #33
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    <meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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    <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"]Many modern pocket sized cameras don't
    use shutters where its all electronic. Think about it, possibly higher sync numbers, no mechanism to wear out, more cost efecient to make, no noise if you want it, and no
    shutter vibration. I heard someone, somewhere talking about the next
    big innovation is the bigger cameras going to electronic shutters.
    I think the inovation of live view on DSLR's was a huge break through for Canon on the Mark III where
    I shoot with my live view on all the time when I do studio/commercial work. At the current time when
    you use live view on any canon dslr the shutter opens and closes to
    capture the final image. Another handy item that I would love to see, maybe not on a pro bodied camera but maybe the more studio related cameras is a really thin, 3 inch screen that can pop out and swivle. I was working in a room just today where I had to back up into the corner so close that the back of the camera display was only inches away from the wall. This happens a lot even with the full frame sensor at 16mm. when I have to use the camera in this manner there is no way to see if it's properly focused or if I had the camera level with the rooms perspective. Yes it is simple to shoot the shot and then look at it but that means moving the camera where previous shots won't line up plus its takes valuable time. Anyways those those are my thoughts.

  4. #34
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Well this upgrade won't affect me as I have no plans to buy it, but I'm curious when I see reviewers continually asking for more than a 3-shot bracket, why Canon hasn't answered the bell on that one yet.

    I guess sports pros don't bracket all that much and it's more of a reviewer complaint, rather than a field-tested liability. But the newer Nikons all go to at least 5 right? I don't know, maybe it's an overrated option. But if it's not Canon ought to get with the program...

    just wondering...

    [edit: I tell you what I will be buying however. Did anyone check out the accessories page, where you can get a 1GB CF card for only $84.99? Only $84.99! For an entire ONE GIGABYTE card. Wow how times have changed!]

    just to leave it on a positive note (and so the fanboys don't get mad!), I have to say moving around 16.1MP files at 10fps is pretty amazing. I love the 6.5 on my 40D; it's hard to imagine getting such huge rez at 10fps.

  5. #35
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    This looks like the camera of my dreams for the most part (well, full-frame would have been nice []), but I do wish it at least had all the features of the 7D. I find this odd. I picked up a 7D at Best Buy and played with it for a few minutes, and immediately thought the attitude/horizon indicator was a great feature. I imagined how useful it would be with a ball head that didn't have built-in bubble level(s). Now I read that the brand-spanking new 1D Mark IV doesn't include the feature. WTH?

    I am really interested to read Bryan's in-depth review of this camera body. I am prepared to love it, especially if the AF system has the kinks worked out. I really am not that interested in the video part for now, though that may change if I had one and tried it. If he gushes over it, I may have to start selling some guitars!

  6. #36
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Quote Originally Posted by canoli

    Well this upgrade won't affect me as I have no plans to buy it, but I'm curious when I see reviewers continually asking for more than a 3-shot bracket, why Canon hasn't answered the bell on that one yet.

    I guess sports pros don't bracket all that much and it's more of a reviewer complaint, rather than a field-tested liability. But the newer Nikons all go to at least 5 right? I don't know, maybe it's an overrated option. But if it's not Canon ought to get with the program...

    just wondering...

    [edit: I tell you what I will be buying however. Did anyone check out the accessories page, where you can get a 1GB CF card for only $84.99? Only $84.99! For an entire ONE GIGABYTE card. Wow how times have changed!]

    just to leave it on a positive note (and so the fanboys don't get mad!), I have to say moving around 16.1MP files at 10fps is pretty amazing. I love the 6.5 on my 40D; it's hard to imagine getting such huge rez at 10fps.


    My understanding, not having owned one myself, is that EOS 1D bodies can bracket nine shots. I am pretty sure it is at least seven. My 40D can do three, so that's nothing to write home about.


    Here is this from the official Canon site. It appears capable of bracketing seven shots.

    "Exposure Compensation (user-set): +/-3 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments.
    Auto Bracketing (AEB): 3 shots, up to +/- 3 stops, in 1/3 or 1/2 stop increments, in all exposure modes. Can be changed via C.Fn I-6 to 2, 5, or 7 shots. Bracketing order can be changed via C.Fn I-5."

  7. #37
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    canoli wrote

    Well this upgrade won't affect me as I have no plans to buy it, but I'm
    curious when I see reviewers continually asking for more than a 3-shot
    bracket, why Canon hasn't answered the bell on that one yet.

    both the 1Ds3 and the 1D3 (and maybe the older 1D's) you can do 3,5, or 7 bracketed shots without going into the menu system. That really should be in the lower cameras, too, but I'm not Canon!!

  8. #38
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Quote Originally Posted by greggf

    both the 1Ds3 and the 1D3 (and maybe the older 1D's) you can do 3,5, or 7 bracketed shots without going into the menu system. That really should be in the lower cameras, too, but I'm not Canon!!
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    It does take a visit to the menus to preset how many bracketed shots you want (2,3,5,7). Once that's set, pressing AF/Drive button and the Mode button simultaneously lets you dial up the bracket by 1/3-stop intervals. You'll see the 2/3/5/7 shots appear in the EC "bar graph". I'm slowly getting better at calling up a bracket at 2/3 or 1-stop intervals, selecting high-speed drive, selecting one-shot focus, and then getting preset for a 1/250th shutter speed. (1/250th is my target for handheld brackets, as 7 shots at 1-stop intervals means speeds of 1/2000 to 1/30, and that's usually enough to get decent shots).
    We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.

  9. #39
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Then how about in video mode it doesn'tuse the shutter then, and it's taking 30 pictures a second.

  10. #40
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Quote Originally Posted by HiFiGuy1
    Can be changed via C.Fn I-6 to 2, 5, or 7 shots. Bracketing order can be changed via C.Fn I-5."

    Sweet! I did not know that. Makes me feel better - 'twas hard to believe these &gt;$4K cameras couldn't bracket more than 3 shots...

    Thanks for the info!

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