Quotes from Nikon's D800 Tech Guide:

"While its high pixel count of 36 megapixels gives the D800/ D800E resolution unrivalled by previous digital SLR cameras, a side effect is that bokeh and blur are made that much more obvious."

"At the high resolutions offered by the D800/D800E, even the slightest camera motion can result in blur. "


I read the Tech Guide for Nikon's D800, and did a word count, the word Blur appears 19 times. After reading it I came away with the impression it was telling everyone more about how to keep their pictures from being blurry than they were promoting a new high resolution 36 megapixel sensor. Maybe were seeing the end of the megapixel race.

I get the impression from the guide that to much resolution could be a bad thing for everyday general photography, making it much more difficult to get sharp crisp pictures. They start off the first part of the guide with "Use A Tripod". Sure that is good advice, but do you start off a sales pitch by telling your customers they will need a tripod.