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Thread: 6D Announced (sort of)

  1. #31
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    +2 I think Steph and Colin hit it right on the mark.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steph View Post
    So it seems that, and as Neuro said, my 7D won't become a 6D but rather a 5D III (or, who knows, a 1D X not to lose on the FPS). Still, I'll wait the end of the year but I don't see how I could give up the good things of the 7D for a 6D. Today, you can have the 5D III with the 24-105 (kit) for $ 3'655*. I hope the downhill trend continues until Christmas...

    Edit: * here is Switzerland.
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  2. #32
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Is it me, or is that is a seriously weak AF system? Point spread no better than the 5DII, two more selectable points but four fewer points in terms of Servo tracking (which wasn't the 5DII's strong point anyway). Sure, the -3 EV is nice, but not salvation by any means given the frequency most users shoot in light that low (my 5DII, spec'd to -0.5 EV, could AF in light that needed ISO 25600).

    Only one cross-type sensor, and that one not even a dual cross.

    Now that the 60D's 9 cross-type AF with center f/2.8 dual cross has trickled down to the T4i/650D, IMO the Rebel line has a better AF system than the 6D.

  3. #33
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist View Post
    the 6D as targeted to 60D and Rebel users.
    Yep, I think that about sums it up.

    And it could be a genius move on Canon's behalf (second time in a few days I've used genius on this forum..hmmm). But they are faced with a maturing market (nearly everyone that wants a digital camera has one, very few to no film folks left to convert, and cell phones taking a chunk from the P&S market). So, how do you "grow" in a maturing market? Entice your customers to upgrade. In this case I bet their largest group of "customers" own Rebels or xxD bodies and EFS lenses. Get them to buy FF and their first EF or even "L" lenses=growth/sales. Get them invested in Canon glass, loyalty. As xx% grow tired of the limitations of the 6D yet they now have Canon EF lenses, they turn to the 5D III or 1DX =sales.

    I don't want to sound like I heeping too much praise on Canon, but, it isn't hard to see what they might be thinking.

    That said, I like options and I will consider the 6D if/when I ever go FF. I suspect I will consider it very briefly before I either get a 5DIII (great price BK) or save a lot of pennies and get a 1DX. The thing that I suspect will keep me from buying a 6D will be the build quality/weather sealing. I take care of my camera, but I use it alot and in all types of environments. And I don't want to worry about it.

    EDIT--after looking at the descriptions that have come out since my post, genius best describes the niche and not the camera (I did say "could be a genius move")....the 6D does seem to lack more than I thought it would. But it will be interesting to see how it performs and what reviewers, such as Bryan, think.
    Last edited by Kayaker72; 09-17-2012 at 09:51 PM.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist View Post
    Is it me, or is that is a seriously weak AF system? Point spread no better than the 5DII, two more selectable points but four fewer points in terms of Servo tracking (which wasn't the 5DII's strong point anyway). Sure, the -3 EV is nice, but not salvation by any means given the frequency most users shoot in light that low (my 5DII, spec'd to -0.5 EV, could AF in light that needed ISO 25600).

    Only one cross-type sensor, and that one not even a dual cross.

    Now that the 60D's 9 cross-type AF with center f/2.8 dual cross has trickled down to the T4i/650D, IMO the Rebel line has a better AF system than the 6D.
    It was one of the first things I noticed. I would bet the kit lens it will be paired with will be a non L lens as well. I think most of the target market for this camera will not notice this when they are buying this camera.

    When I bought my 50D the 7D or 5D II didn't exist yet. The 50D was billed by Canon as the bridge between consumer and pro bodies.
    I think this camera takes that spot now. Salesman will sell this camera as "a professional grade camera that any one can use". An inexperienced photographer will be able to buy this camera, set it on the running guy to shoot sports, the mountain to shoot landscapes and the face to shoot portraits. It will be a model that not only the Rebel users might aspire to, but the P&S shooters as well. Many new DSLR customers will buy this model.

    The only setting the camera will lack for the the inexperienced new shooter is the "W" wedding setting.

  5. #35
    Senior Member EricPvpi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist View Post
    ...and the 6D as targeted to 60D and Rebel users.
    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist View Post
    Is it me, or is that is a seriously weak AF system? Point spread no better than the 5DII, two more selectable points but four fewer points in terms of Servo tracking (which wasn't the 5DII's strong point anyway). Sure, the -3 EV is nice, but not salvation by any means given the frequency most users shoot in light that low (my 5DII, spec'd to -0.5 EV, could AF in light that needed ISO 25600).

    Only one cross-type sensor, and that one not even a dual cross.

    Now that the 60D's 9 cross-type AF with center f/2.8 dual cross has trickled down to the T4i/650D, IMO the Rebel line has a better AF system than the 6D.
    I have a 60D and was wondering which direction to go long term, 7D or FF. If I am the target market, why not make the AF a little better? I don't need 5D3 quality, the 7D's would have been nice or at least make it 11 cross-type and center f/2.8. I would love better ISO performance, so we will see how this goes. I like several of the features, but I can't say as the target market I am ready to jump.

  6. #36
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk View Post
    I would bet the kit lens it will be paired with will be a non L lens as well.
    I had thought that, as well. The 28-135mm would be a logical choice. But, the available kits are with the 24-105L.

    There was a recent patent for an updated 28-135mm, I wonder if that was intended as the kit lens (the current 28-135 is a little long in the tooth), but they couldn't get it ready in time, whereas there's a well-established production line for the 24-105L. Plus, it serves as a 'gateway' L-series lens.

  7. #37
    Senior Member Photog82's Avatar
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    I'm sticking with my 7D. I'll also upgrade to the 7D MKII if it is worth it. I'm fine with a crop sensor body as long as the body build and IQ is there like it is with the 7D.

    The geotagging is a nice builtin feature, one that I'd take advantage of, however I currently use my GPSr to create a track file. Both my wife and I usually go out together, so having the 3rd party device that I can use the track file for both of us is useful. I also don't think that I could move back to less AF points as well as NOT having a built-in flash... it comes in handy in certain situations.

  8. #38
    Senior Member ham's Avatar
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    Hell, I'm a 60D user and I don't think I'd upgrade to a camera that didn't have top AF.

    This must be for xxxD owners who've decided they want a FF camera. And then it seems rather expensive.

  9. #39
    Senior Member Jayson's Avatar
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    I think I was more of a target for this camera than most. I have a 7D and was very interested in this rumor before it became final. I can't afford the 5D mkIII since I don't make much money off my photography and I was looking at something newer in the full frame arena than the mkII. I was thinking they would maybe use the AF from the 60D or something like that and have MA. I mean come on, it is in the xD series of cameras! Maybe with the new tech they have and closing the loop with their new lenses, the AF accuracy is so much higher that they don't feel they need the AF assist points anymore??? Who knows. I also thought they might have a built-in flash since they weren't going to be doing much on the weather sealing side of things. I really like the trigger on the 7D. IQ and ISO performance is probably going to be good given their recent camera offerings and I don't think they can be terrible. I anticipated it would be a plastic body like the 60D, so that isn't a big shock. I believe with the AF, MA, no built-in flash, and the loss of my joystick, I will be on the fence with getting this or a 5D mkII. Sometime around the first of the year I will take a closer look when the price drops to where it should be (around $1500 to $1700). Maybe Bryan will have a chance to give some indication on the AF by that time.

  10. #40
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    I haven't seen anyone mention here that the max shutter speed on the 6D is 1/4000 and it looks like flash sync is at 1/180th? I didn't know Canon's would even take an exposure at 1/180th. Maybe this is the way of saying that it doesn't really synch at 1/200th like it says the 5DII does.

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