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Thread: What do you do ?

  1. #31
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: What do you do ?

    Lab technician at the Department of Biochemical Sciences of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy.

    Age: 49.

    I am interested in science & technology in general, and - apart from photography - astrophysics and cosmology in particular. And I love music.

    Concerning photography, I am (unfortunately) more interested in the technical aspects of it rather than the artistic side, that's why I repute myself a poor photographer: banal subjects and ineffective and dull composition, although shooting since 1968, when my parents bought me my first camera, a Kodak Instamatic: fixed focus, fixed aperture, fixed shutter speed, this one. But I enjoy shooting, having a lot of fun with it.

    I am severely affected by the "L-disease" and can confirm it is incurable. Acute symptoms can be only soothed by L-glass, but my budget is limited so my health is constantly deteriorating... I have tried to obtain financial support for therapeutic pharmalenses by my medical insurance, I even produced Dr. Bryan's claims to document my application, but they say they do not cover such kind of pharmacological treatment... and in the meantime my neurons are degenerating...

  2. #32
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: What do you do ?

    I am nicely retired from working for the Federal government and military service. I am absoutely enjoying every minute of it - retirement that is.


  3. #33
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: What do you do ?

    Budget Director at eductational institution (college). Love it! I am a total finance geek.

    Started photography a while ago, with P&S, stoped becasue of lack of time, now I am finding this hobby a total stress reliever (alas pocket empying).

  4. #34
    Senior Member
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    Chesapeake Virginia

    Re: What do you do ?

    GIS/IT Manager for City of Chesapeake, aka Geographer. Sr Photographer for TriDuo Photography.

    Former ranger for US Fish and Wildlife Service and former wilderness EMT. Im also a per diem instructor for the Red Cross.

  5. #35
    Senior Member
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    Riverside, CA

    Re: What do you do ?

    I'm on my third or fourth career, depending on whether you count those that don't pay anything. I got a math degree, then was a software engineer during the boom. Then I quit to go to medical school. Then I dropped out of medical school. Then I took care of my two kids (then a 6 month old boy and 3 year old girl) and taught math part time. I'll be starting full-time teaching in the fall.

    In my spare time I write, take pictures, and look through telescopes.

    School was expensive. While an undergrad, I got a letter from this guy with a little software company that said he was looking for guys like me to work for him, but I ignored it because I was too interested in school. The guy's name: Bill Gates. (And of course, the little company was Microsoft.)

  6. #36
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: What do you do ?

    That's really unfortunate Jon...I wanna major in math too! hehe

  7. #37

    Re: What do you do ?

    No job, yet. [H]

    I'm a Senior in High School and just turned 17 last week. I'm planning on staying with my parents while I go to college to have some financial ease, then go on from there.

  8. #38
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA

    Re: What do you do ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle

    School was expensive. While an undergrad, I got a letter from this guy with a little software company that said he was looking for guys like me to work for him, but I ignored it because I was too interested in school. The guy's name: Bill Gates. (And of course, the little company was Microsoft.)
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    They say hindsight is [a brutal] 20/20.

  9. #39
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    Anaheim, CA

    Re: What do you do ?

    Some of us here have very impressive resumes.

  10. #40

    Re: What do you do ?

    Project Leader at Oracle India for Peoplesoft CRM since 5+ years.

    Prior to that around 5 years as Test Lead for Talisma Corp.

    11+ years in the IT industry if you add up the first stint as Applications Developer that lasted for longer than a year.

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