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Thread: Its a shame...

  1. #31
    Senior Member DLS's Avatar
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    Re: Its a shame...

    Well I

  2. #32
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Its a shame...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    I have seen people give bad advice about gear without being able to correct them because they have become a demigod on this site.

    IMO, this is the worst of part. No one should feel like they cannot voice their opinion because it contradicts someone else's. I, for one, want to hear all sides.

    As a once new and member and still a novice, there are many subjects that I don't offer opinions or technical explanations on beacuseI simply don't have the knowledge to assist the reader. However, as with any of us, there things that I do have experience with,and I gladly will voice my opinion regardless of whether or not it differs from others, and I will do it without hesitation. I think I am willing to do this becausethe vast majority of the TDP membership is open and interested in varying opinions. I have never been reluctant to post an opinion that differs from "the more experienced forum members" and when I have done so, I haveonly met with sarcasm a couple of times and usually it was with a smiley face on the end so no harm done. On the flipside, If I was in error, I have been corrected with normally a sound explanation.

    The point is, even the "demigods" are here to help and usually do so in a friendly and constructive manner.Don't be afraid to challenge them; I have, many times, and have usually rec'd a solid explanation in return from which I have learned a great deal.

    Reluctance to postandto offer a differing opinion, will ultimately only be your loss and possibly a loss to someone else who needs your view on the topic.

    Don't hesitate to post, even if your opinion dffers from others----Just be courteous and respectfull when doing so. I think the great majority of the forum membership will do the same for you.


  3. #33
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    Re: Its a shame...

    I was the target of much patronizing for many months on this site by a member who hasn

  4. #34
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Its a shame...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    I have seen people give bad advice about gear without being able to correct them because they have become a demigod on this site.

    IMO, this is the worst of part.

    Wait, wait...if the two of you don't qualify as 'demigods on this site' then no one does! [^o)]

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle
    No one should feel like they cannot voice their opinion because it contradicts someone else's. I, for one, want to hear all sides.

    I can't agree more with this statement. Sure, opinions differ. But no one's opinion is more valuable than anyone else's, they all have merit. As long as we're honest and act with reasonable online decorum and etiquette, it's all good! I, for one, have learned a tremendous amount from others on this forum, both from the 'regulars' and from new contributors.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    Iget logged out of my account on this site. I was joking about the moderators throwing me off due to the content of these posts. But I guess it would seem totally feasible I'd come on here and complain that my internet connection would cut out.

    Fine, you checked your internet connection. But did you make sure your computer was plugged in when you got logged off?!? [:P]

    Seriously, I think there's something odd about the way some browsers handle cookies from this site that causes the issue. In another thread, people (me included), complained about that issue with Safari. I recall one morning that I got logged off about four times in a row while trying to post one reply (which I had to recreate once, then I learned to copy the text to the clipboard before clicking Post and getting logged out yet again). Then I tried turning off cookies, and I no longer get logged out.

  5. #35
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    Re: Its a shame...

    Right...where do I begin. I had not even read a word in this entire thread until now. Now I'm trying to catch up all the threads that I'm behind reading, since the new design and all the errors. I even have to use Internet Explorer to use this forum as I like it. No log outs and stuff.

    Anyway I hope I'm not going to enlighten the fire too heavily, because while reading it intrigued me.

    Quote Originally Posted by freelanceshots

    I find myself visiting this site less and less because of the changes that are popping up that in my opinion make it hard to use. Thats a shame because I visited this site all the time to check stuff out. Major disappointment for me when this site started covering Nikon gear and I just have to share that. I don't care two flips about Nikon gear and I'll never own one. There are tons of other Nikon specific sites so Its just over kill to have another!
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    I can see myself in this story. To be honest I've had my quiet moment here as well since all the changes and errors. I can also see your point with the Nikon stuff. I often make jokes of being anti-Nikon, but truly I personally don't really see the point of adding it here either. I must also say that I haven't had any trouble with it so far, other than scrolling trough a long list while checking the charts. If that's all there will be, I'm not complaining. However I do feel that the strength of all intelligence on Canon gear that is gathered here is mostly due to the fact that it's a Canon only site. And I like that. I cannot imagine someone asking advice about Nikon gear in the forums and receiving proper Nikon advice....pretty much never. Or at least for a long time.

    There are also some other things that stood out for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    No. People's work should be praised if it is deserving.I feel if you give raving reviews of work that isn't deserving you can be doing injustice to that person also.I have given and received praise without feeling I received or given a smooch to the glutes. But a lot of the time the comments that accompany the praise are way over the top.

    You're so right here. I actually didn't like the national biggest photography site because of this phenomenon. The ugliest photos getting great reflections and so. There are also some difficulties here I think.

    1 - Opinions differ. And so does skill level. I for instance like most of your work, but then I'm a newbie myself in that sort of shots, so in your eyes I might be overpraising you.

    2 - There's also been some issues with the show and tell. There is a section here for critique threads and one for show and tell. Often this goes well, but I've also seen show and tell threads where the OP's pictures literally were burned down to the ground. That's a shame...

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    I have seen people give bad advice about gear without being able to correct them because they have become a demigod on this site. Then there are people get all high and mightywho are praised fortheir advice when really they are just quoting Bryan and have actually never used the gear at hand. This burns me more than anything. I can see ISO and MTF charts and read Bryan's reviews myself but to me real world experience is what I want to hear about.

    I'm not seeing myself as a demigod, but I do recognise myself in one of those who gave bad advice at certain points. I pledge guilty [] Seriously, it's hard to get objective advice I think. Experience is also a big factor here. While I might have called my Tamron 17-50 verygood over time. I actually thought it was, however now that I'm further in time I do see that my opinion differs. My Tamron actually suffered from quite some chromatic abberations, but I'd never really noticed it until later on. So technically speaking my advice was sloppy. In other words, real time experience and knoledge about certain things also comes down to your personal style. I must say that I often think we got to technical around here and sometimes a softer, but creative shot is better than a supersharp, technical correct, but boring one. In some circumstances we give to much credit to the technical data and forget the more important things.

    Anyway there are also times where I do not respond on a thread, because I feel like I have nothing to say. That's ok, because you can't know it all.

    I'll try to think about all these different views the next time I'm replying somewhere and I hope this will get us to a better understanding of eachother.

    I hope I'm not pulling anything out of perspective. If so let me know. I kind of lost the red line I had in mind so I hope it isn't too chaotic []


    PS: for the old-school members...I'm only 24, so I consider myself young and member of the digital generation, but I also hate it when people use their mobiles in the most riduculous situations. I can name you some, but I guess that point is already made.

  6. #36
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: Its a shame...

    Just to comment quickly I have been using the site more and more and I

  7. #37
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    Re: Its a shame...

    Quote Originally Posted by freelanceshots
    Anyways that was just me being in a bitchy mood I guess.

    No problem, even I have had a bitchy moment or two![] I think we all are starting to adapt to the new layout and new inclusions. I have one question to throw out there the heck do you quote multiple people in one post!? When I hit rich formatting to get the quote option, all I see in the thread is the post from the last person. I wanted to quote Jan here also on his last post but I guess I'll have to just post twice.


  8. #38
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    Re: Its a shame...

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    I have one question to throw out there the heck do you quote multiple people in one post!?

    I used to use copy/paste to achieve that in the old software, but the copy/paste doesn't work in new software, the hint says that my firefox setting is not right, but I don't know how the heck to set it right, anybody can help? thanks

  9. #39
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    Re: Its a shame...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky

    Anyway there are also times where I do not respond on a thread, because I feel like I have nothing to say. That's ok, because you can't know it all.

    I leave alot of the technical stuff to the technical advisors here, I know people will be better educated by you &amp; many others here. Maybe someday, I will be able to help a newbie when it comes to that sort of thing! [:O]

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    Often this goes well, but I've also seen show and tell threads where the OP's pictures literally were burned down to the ground. That's a shame...
    I remember being told my bird shot wasn't good enough to be in a "Post your best bird" thread shortly after picking up a dslr camera for the first time and new to this site.I removed the photo &amp; apologized even though at the time, it was one of my best![:P] I also got racked over the coals a few times in show &amp; tell.I almost put the camera away for goodanumber oftimesbut I'm sure glad I didn't! Many others here helped metremendously and encouraged me to keep at it. I do feel encouragement helps a great deal more than negative feedback for those in the very beginning stages.


  10. #40
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Its a shame...

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    I have one question to throw out there the heck do you quote multiple people in one post!? When I hit rich formatting to get the quote option, all I see in the thread is the post from the last person.

    I'm sure there are other ways, but I do this:

    After hitting Rich Formatting, I open the original thread in a new window (in Safari, that's as easy as Command-clicking the back button, but in the old software the little blue thread tree above General Discussion at the top was clickable links, which made it easier!).

    Then I either:

    1) In the full thread window, copy the text I want to quote from someone else, return to the rich formatting post, select a single word of the reply (your post in this case, Denise), click Quote, then overwrite the word I selected with the pasted text, and overwrite your name in the quote user="ddt0725" at the start of the quote with the user name of the person I'm actually quoting.


    2) In the full thread window,Click Reply then Rich Formatting for the other person I want to quote in the reply, quote the text I want, then copy the quoted text including the tags from the second reply window, return to the original reply window, and paste it in.

    The first method means you can quote anyone from anywhere: [8-|]

    Quote Originally Posted by Leonard McCoy
    Blast medicine anyway! We've learned to tie into every organ in thehuman body but one. The brain! The brain is what life is all about.

    Of course, you can always just post separate replies to each person you want to reply to, and in that way increase your post count and maybe that furthers your advancement to demigodhood?!? [:P]

    Quote Originally Posted by JJphoto
    I used to use copy/paste to achieve that in the old software, but the copy/paste doesn't work in new software, the hint says that my firefox setting is not right, but I don't know how the heck to set it right, anybody can help?

    Wow, no idea why copy/paste wouldn't work for you in seems o work fine for me in the rich formatting editor and elsewhere... [*-)]

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