I'll see your foxy lady and raise you 1 fox![img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/[/img]
I'll see your foxy lady and raise you 1 fox![img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/[/img]
I'm not sure Central Park counts as "nature", but this is one of my favorite shots I've taken...
Originally Posted by adam
is it a HDR image? real pretty
It actually isn't HDR....I shot a five-exposure bracket expecting to do HDR, but there wasn't enough contrast in the scene for the HDR to add anything. This single exposure (which the camera thought was one stop overexposed) ended up looking better than the merged image, so I went with it.
Not my best and not exactly in nature, but I found this little guy in
my kitchen 50 minutes ago (it was 1:57AM then). I grabbed my 50D +
17-85, took a chair (since it was high on the wall) and took a few
shots. I ended up with 4 shots on my camera, then on my PC narrowed
down to just 2 and finally took the better one and used DPP to process
it - including heavy cropping (it was shot horizontally). Finally I
resized it to feet 800px wide and applied unsharp mask one time. Here
it is:
Edit: it is almost 100% crop
Some Exif: Manual mode, Tv: 1/250, Av: f/8, ISO: 100, Focal length: 85mm, Flash exposure compensation: +1 1/3 (built in flash)
hello everyone,
I revisited this site again and this time chose a different angle. This image originallywas underexposed by 1.5 stops because I was shooting against the sky right before this moment. I was glad that it was underexposed because the high shutter speed allowed me to freeze the action. The correct exposure would have ruin this shot due to much slower shutter speed. I over brightened this image a little more than I needed to, resulting in some blown out highlight on the mother's chest. I will rework it later.
Hope you like it, please feel free to comments, thanks for viewing
40D & 400 f/5.6L, f/5.6, 1/2000, ISO 400, Noise Ninja in the background.
Here's a larger version. http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=9546572&size=lg
Hey Everyone here is a shot from my time in California. I was there for about 2 weeks and there wasn't a cloud in the sky the whole time. Definitely different then the weather we have in NJ.
1Ds Mark III, 24-105 L, Aperature Priority, @ f5.6, 1/320, 24mm, ISO 200,using a circular polorizing filter and converted from RAW
Just incredible.
This is an image that reflects not only your love for nature but your dedication to the art and scienceof photography.
P.S. Are you working on an exhibition of these works you show us? I hope you've lined up a publicist.
Originally Posted by Chuck Lee
He should be!!!
Great image Nate!
I agree. Nate is producing some of the best bird shots I have seen. Here is my meager attempt. I caught this guy way off at the soccre goal behind our house. It was in hazy noon light, but you take what you can get. Red-tailed hawk about to enjoy lunch.