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Thread: Canon 60D - Predictions?

  1. #41
    Junior Member
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    Re: Canon 60D - Predictions?

    well Im not going to keep upgrading my camera every few years, but invest in new lens' I have a 20D and a 1DMK II N and I havent found a need to upgrade past an 8MP sensor. Now if I were to ask for what features I want in the 60D it would be features to compete with the D300...

    • 10 or 12 MP sensor (a decrease OH NO!)
    • HD Video (with audio external audio attachments)
    • 8 FPS (D300 does it, and I know with the Digic IV processor or Digic V processor should be able to handle that)
    • Deep Buffer
    • ISO 50-25600
    • Weather Sealing

    Now, the reason I insist on a lower MP camera is because I think 15 is too high for the sensor size, noise is becomeing more intrusive at lower ISO's and higher ISO's are looking worse and loosing detail. Now if they made a 10 or 12 MP sensor using up to date technology they have invested in there higher ISO cropped sensors imagine the Image Quality, I'd rather have a higher quality lower mega pixel image than a crappier image at Higher Resolution. Thats just me, I dont want DSLR's turning into the Point and Shoot Market.

  2. #42
    Senior Member
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    Re: Canon 60D - Predictions?

    Totally agree with you...

    I think Canon should stay at 12 MP with the 60D. Better weather sealing is also welcome.

  3. #43
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    Re: Canon 60D - Predictions?

    I doubt it will be heard, and they will keep on upping the MP density, I think the Mega Pixel War should be left to the XXXD and the XXXXD canon camera bodies and the Prosumer Camera's Image Quality should be more important, or they should make a Cropped sensor 1DMK III similar to what they did with the 5D. Who knows.... 20D has served me good for 5 years and I am still happy with the images it pumps out.

  4. #44
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    Re: Canon 60D - Predictions?

    I'm one of the people in the small minority who think that higher pixel density (smaller pixels) is not correlated with more noise or less dynamic range. I don't really have time to explain everything right now, someday I'll make a post explaining my position (basically it comes down to the fact that noise scales with spatial frequency), but for now I just wanted to point out my difference of opinion. (The topic should really be in its own thread anyway.)

  5. #45
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    Re: Canon 60D - Predictions?

    So is that why Point and Shoots with Supper High Pixel Density Look so good. Maybe your right, but maybe the technology isnt there yet. But the Fact is... 5D vs 5D MKII Dynamic Range has gone Down and compared to Lower Density Full Frame DSLRs is also lower. The 50D compared to the 40D both Dynamic Range and Noise has gotten worse. So Until they create the technology for these things to look as good or better than previous sensors they should concentrate on making them look better before looking worse.

  6. #46
    Senior Member
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    Vancouver, Washington, USA

    Re: Canon 60D - Predictions?

    Quote Originally Posted by inabottle

    But the Fact is... 5D vs 5D MKII Dynamic Range has gone Down and compared to Lower Density Full Frame DSLRs is also lower. The 50D compared to the 40D both Dynamic Range and Noise has gotten worse.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    I would like to move this discussion to a new thread:

    Myth busted: smaller pixels have more noise, less dynamic range...

    You should find my response to your points in that thread.

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