Quote Originally Posted by freelanceshots

Just to comment quickly I have been using the site more and more and I'm get used to the newer look and functions. Still not a Nikon fan and would always prefer to use my canon but to each is own. Anyways that was just me being in a bitchy mood I guess.
<div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

Grumpy old man [] [:P]

Just kidding, everybody has theirgood and their lesses days. Don't worry about that.

Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
...how the heck do you quote multiple people in one post!? When I hit rich formatting to get the quote option, all I see in the thread is the post from the last person.

I open the same thread a number of times and I use rich formatting for each part that I want to quote. I use one of the tabs as my main tab where I copy paste the quote"codes" to. A bit a hussle, but it works [:P]