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Thread: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

  1. #41
    Senior Member Jayson's Avatar
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    Nebraska, USA

    Re: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

    Chris, the pictures look great. Kudos on the trecking through the smelly marsh with mosquitos. I would have quit at mosquitoes.[]

    Sean, love, love, love the shots. I attempted to use some of your shots in the past for inspiration, but failed miserably on the lighting aspect. I guess I will have to keep practicing!

    Denise, love the shot with the dog and the bug. I don't know how you got that, but it is cool!

    Great shots everyone.

  2. #42
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA

    Re: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayson
    Sean, love, love, love the shots. I attempted to use some of your shots in the past for inspiration, but failed miserably on the lighting aspect. I guess I will have to keep practicing!

    You learn much more from failure than you ever do from success. For every picture I post, Itook probably30 shots that session before I got it right (I'm getting slightly better, though, as it used to take 50!). :-)

  3. #43
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayson

    Denise, love the shot with the dog and the bug. I don't know how you got that, but it is cool!

    Thanks! To be honest, I don't know how I got it either! I didn't even know the bug was there until I uploaded it on my computer but it was a nice surprise! [:P]


  4. #44

    Re: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

    Taken at the local fish store. Canon 7D with a 100mm f/2.8 macro.




    Every time I think about selling my macro lens for 'lack of use', I find another opportunity to use it!

  5. #45
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA

    Re: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

    Great shots Brian...very impressive.

  6. #46
    Senior Member
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    Re: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Kreitman

    Every time I think about selling my macro lens for 'lack of use', I find another opportunity to use it!
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    My dad said that... I solved that problem for him by taking it off his hands[]

  7. #47

    Re: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

    I wish, but my father shoots Nikon.[:$]

  8. #48
    Senior Member
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    Re: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

    Convert him! My dad shot Nikon Film his entire life then when the digis came about I convinced him to switch over.

  9. #49

    Re: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

    I wish. He got hung up on keeping his old lenses (2!), one of which is a third party lens and doesn't handle some of the newer electronics.

    He got a D90 (and still has his N80), which in all honesty, feels and behaves pretty well. Not as nice as my 7D, but nice, nevertheless.

  10. #50
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: What did you shoot? May 17 through May 23.

    My roommate shoots nikon and wants to get a D90 to replace his D80. I wish he'd just get it. He keeps telling me the advantages of having it and stuff [:P]

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