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Thread: Anyone Got the 7D?

  1. #41
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Don Burkett
    I have put up a few more samples of the 7D if you're interested.

    Very much so. Thanks! Looks great, I especially like the ones with the house in the background. Wait till I get a 7D and my Minolta 600mm, then were talking bird photography!

  2. #42

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Hello all,

    This is a day of firsts for me, it's my first post on this site and my first contact with anyone elseon these threads. Also I need infomation on my first Dlsr camera, this is a tad embarrassingreally admitting this but I'm having a difficult time loading images from my camera to my computer, this is a first as well. Up to now I've had three Canon P+S cameras and they have all been very easy to load images but for some reason I cannot find the true path for a transfer of my Images.

    The reason I'm chatting and asking here is that I bought a 7d and someone possed the Question here 'doesanybody owna 7D?'I would like to ask one of the other owners if they could assist me, I've had this camera for a week and my memorycard is starting to fill.

    If this is the wrongthread for this kind of Question please direct me to the right place.

    Thanks, muc1

  3. #43
    Senior Member
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    You might need to explain your issue in more detail for us to help.

    But, assuming your plugging your camera into a USB port and are using the EOS utility to transfer them to the computer, the default path is to a folder with the shot date in the format of 2009_10_09 and that folder is filed in your My Documents\My Pictures.

    You can also use the windows search function under the Start button. Select 'All files and folders', enter *.CR2 as the file name. That will find all the RAW files from your 7d. If your shooting JPGs then just use *.jpg instead.

  4. #44

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    So now I've had my 7d for a little over a week. I sold my 40d to get this camera, and so far so good.

    I'll leave the scientific explanations to Bryan, as I'm anxiously waiting his full review.

    But here are some unscientific observations so far (if anyone cares and in no particular order):
    • Higher ISO images appear to be better than with the 40d, but only slightly
    • I under-estimated some of the learning curve with the differences
      between the 40d and 7d. I think it is just getting to used to the
      subtle differences, particularly focus options, metering options, etc.
      The controls are all exactly as expected, but every camera, or lens,
      takes a little while to get used to what it can do.
    • The Quick Control Screen is a nice feature I didn't expect to like
    • The Micro AF Adjustment is fantastic, as my 70-200 2.8 IS consistently had a very slight front focus with my 40d and with the 7d. I already "adjusted" that away and it has made an amazing difference. It was very easy to determine the best setting (+5). This was a feature for which I had been tempted to move from the 40d to the 50d, and it was an important factor in my decision to buy the 7d.
    • The RAW/Jpeg feature will be handy. I'd had a few occasions where I wanted to switch from jpeg to raw, but didn't have the time or I'd miss the shot.
    • As expected 18mp allows for greater cropping, but I didn't realize how much of a difference that could make - more valuable than expected
    • I didn't expect the 100% viewfinder to make much of a difference, but find I appreciate seeing the edges when composing.
    • The camera feels noticeably more solid, yet only slightly heavier.

    I haven't yet taken any video - that will give away that I purchased a new camera, and I'm hoping the "finance department" will miss it. If I start showing videos I'm all done ;-) That will have to wait a couple of weeks until she is off on a girls weekend. But I didn't really buy this camera for video, so.....

    In order to get the camera, I ended up buying it with the 18-135 as a kit. The lens is for sale as it won't replace my 24-105, and next on my list is the 10-22 anyways.


  5. #45
    Senior Member
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    Algonquin IL

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    I'm mostly a floral and macro guy so birds are out of my element. At the same time, there's been so much discussion regarding the autofocus on this camera I took a whack at it last evening. Here's a couple of examples for your consideration. I know these are not top quality, I just don't shoot birds enough to have the exposure, dof, shutter speed and focal point down pat, but the hit rate was high enough to keep me content. I'll leave it to the pure BIF photographers be the judge on hit rates and this camera's worthiness in that arena. BTW, these shots range from ISO 1600 to ISO 400. I'm sure you'll be able to tell from the noise levels which is which. Hope you enjoy.

  6. #46

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Hello Don,

    Nice photos, what kind of bird is that?

    Thanks for the advise the other day sorry haven'treplied back earlier, still have troubles with the loading of images but is not the camera it's the computer, appears there's a bug roaming around in there somewhere.

    I took the camera to another computer to load the first batch of pickies, No problems. I have to say I like what this thing can do if I can just hold the camera steady I'll be OK.

    Will attach some of the results when I figure out how.


  7. #47

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?


    Photos from my 7D,

    100m 2.8 usm macro.





  8. #48

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by muc1

    Nice photos, what kind of bird is that?

    They are Canadian geese. We call them "sky rats" in my part of the country. []

  9. #49
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by muc1

    Photos from my 7D,

    100m 2.8 usm macro.

    Wow...I'd love to see 100% crops from these. According to these reductions the prints would look killer. Very Nice.

    Love the big Iris..... Were does it grow? Gotta be southern hemisphere. Spring in New Zealand? Looks like flower shots of my mom's flower garden in the spring here in the US.

  10. #50

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Great shots, muc1.

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