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Thread: Video with a 7D

  1. #41
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

    Quote Originally Posted by mikehillman89
    If it's the actual software that seems to be the problem try NeoScene

    Ok Mike---Downloaded and used NeoScene to convert .MOV to .AVI----Works Great---Had to do a couple of adjustments, but on the second attempt---I think the converted file looked better than the .MOV---I am very impressed----now I just have to decide if it is worth buying--$129.----I am not serious enough about video to invest in Premier Pro, and since I already own Premier Elements, I guess I will eventually need Conversion Software---This video stuff can get expensive, very quickly---So, for any one thinking about video, This is what I have had to do so far:

    1. Upgrade my Graphics Card--I had an old one that came with my machine---$220

    2. Upgrade my power supply to support the graphics card--$60

    3. Purchased Premier Elements to edit video and sound--$99 (-$20 mail in rebate)

    4. Purchased Firewire card and cable to connect accomodate commercial camera I am using from work---$89 (of course firewire is much better than usb for my back up drives as well)

    5. If I want to convert Native 7D .MOV files to something usable in Premier Elements, Then buy NeoScene--$129 (Not yet purchased)

    total---$597-----Just for the Amatuer/consumer stuff.

    6. Of course, If I want to process 7d/5DII HD video natively, I could just buy Premier Pro for $799---But than I would have to upgrade my processor as well to at least 3gig (as recommended by Adobe)---I'll skip this one for now.

    There are probably cheaper ways to do video, but this is what I have discovered so far.

    I would love to hear what others have realized/discovered through this process.

    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

  2. #42
    Junior Member
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Gentlemen, you are entitled to your opinion. But you may reconsider when you actually start rendering actual files. These files are absolutely massive.

    Conceptually, I think the situation is analogous to what Ansel Adams experienced being only able to carry 8-12 8 inch by 8 inch view camera exposure plates up into the Sierra. He learned to wait for the best shot.

    Talk to the people at Apple. As an example of the size of the video files involved, I would be very surprised if you found one who recommends doing it on a MacBook.

    Conceptually, think "Avatar". That's my view. I ask that before you form decisive opinions on this subject that you actually load and render some of thes massive video files yourself.

  3. #43
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by mdubuque

    As an example of the size of the video files involved, I would be very surprised if you found one who recommends doing it on a MacBook.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Are you saying that he should or shouldn't use a MacBook? Bob is using a PC whereas I'm using a MacBookPro. I've been editing for quite a long time and have never had problems with my MBP. I've even had to edit on a 128mb ram mac. Slow, but worked fantastically and never crashed.

    Plus, with a 12min max recording time and max of 4Gb of a file-size that's not a big deal. Storage is cheap. Most clips I deal with at work are about 50-60GB and they still run perfectly fine on my machine.

    Bob, glad to hear that NeoScene worked out for you.

    Video does get pricey. [] Like $100,000 for a news videographer package is on the cheap side of things so yeah... kind of a bit more than photography, and that's even before you get into the post-processing environment. Let us know how your upgrades are running!


  4. #44
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by mdubuque
    Gentlemen, you are entitled to your opinion. But you may reconsider when you actually start rendering actual files. These files are absolutely massive.

    Sorry MD, Didn't mean to dis your idea--I think it's absolutey valid. Unfortunately I am shooting correctional officers in training and from moment to moment, I really don't know what they are going to be doing---so there is not alot of planning I can do nor do I have the opportunity to set up my shots. So in this case, my best hope is to get as much footage as possible. In fact, I don't always know if I will be shooting indoors or out.I even to have to adjust white balance and exposure on the fly. The nice thing about my situation is that I have 3 opportunities to shoot the same thing----I have 3 different teams doing the same training during 3 different weeks. So I will be able to limit my footage based on what I have already shot (and am happy with). With this in mind, I should be able to apply some of your recommendations.

    Thanks---I do value your input.


  5. #45
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by mikehillman89

    Video does get pricey. Like $100,000 for a news videographer package is on the cheap side of things so yeah... kind of a bit more than photography, and that's even before you get into the post-processing environment. Let us know how your upgrades are running!


    Well, So far so good. The only real problem I have had is a conflict between Adobe Premier Elements and Mcafee's Real Time Monitoring. ---It took me and the Adobe Tech a Couple of weeks to figure out, but now thingsseem to be running ok. In fact, I have played with a 30 minute video of my dogs and the system seems too be running well. The only frustrating thing is that ELements takes so slong to load, but after that, things seem to be running ok.---I willlet you know when I get some of those 50 and 60 minute files on board dropped into the project.


  6. #46
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

    I willlet you know when I get some of those 50 and 60 minute files on board dropped into the project.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Awesome! Glad to hear that it's all working out, despite that one problem with McAfee... If you don't mind and your client doesn't mind, I'd love to see your work when you're all finished!



    p.s. Don't forget that if you're shifting between inside and outside frequently it may not be a bad idea to set up your C1, C2 and C3 modes to accommodate to the environment. Perhaps one for outside, one for inside and then use the third one for Shade if you're outside more than in, or a secondary interior one with low light settings punched in.

  7. #47
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by mikehillman89
    If you don't mind and your client doesn't mind, I'd love to see your work when you're all finished!

    Mike, Unfortunately, I won't be able to show all of this finished product because I can't release pictures of inmates and some of the security tactics. But I am planning on putting together a version withoutany security sensitive elements in it. After all, I will probably have 2-3 months work on this thing, I should be able to show someone---right [8-|]. I will also be adding some historical stuff from publicdomain, so I don't think that will be an issue. My entireidea is kind of a "Cause and Effect" type theme. So I will be using hiostorical footage of prison disturbances for the Cause part and the modern tactical response for the Effect part. Add a little AC/DC and some Kid Rock in the back ground and I am hoping to produce something that showcases ourofficers and motivates young people to join the team----Thats the idea anyway---

    Any thoughts?


  8. #48
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

    I won't be able to show all of this finished product because I can't release pictures of inmates and some of the security tactics. But I am planning on putting together a version withoutany security sensitive elements in it.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Fair enough. I like your idea for cause and effect. The music always helps for young people, but I try and stay away from copyrighted music just as a personal rule. I can usually recreate the same effect by finding royalty free music that a) won't have copyright and licensing issues and b) won't be a deciding factor in opinion. I've seen enough videos that were watched simply because the song is one that the viewer liked and they simply listened to it and didn't absorb the message.

    On a side note, want me to send you G20 police/protester footage? Ha!

  9. #49
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by mikehillman89
    but I try and stay away from copyrighted music just as a personal rule. I can usually recreate the same effect by finding royalty free music that a) won't have copyright and licensing issues and b) won't be a deciding factor in opinion.

    Good Point===

    Quote Originally Posted by mikehillman89

    On a side note, want me to send you G20 police/protester footage? Ha!

    Yes, I'd love to see that.


  10. #50
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    Re: Video with a 7D

    I'm prolly wrong/late but will throw it out there anyway, but doesn't Squared5 do conversions from ".mov" files to "whatever". I could have sworn I heard Daniel talkingup the program before.. and it's free which helps.

    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

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