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Thread: Anyone Got the 7D?

  1. #51
    Senior Member
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan
    They are Canadian geese

    Sorry Alan,

    They are "Canada Geese". I use todo odd jobson the sidewith afriend who works for the VA Game and Inland Fisheries. He was very "matter of fact" about the name. we have lot's of Canada Geese in Virginia. They love to poop on the golf course greens.....[]

    Nice photos.... I can't tell which are ISO 1600.

  2. #52

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee

    Sorry Alan,

    They are "Canada Geese".
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Picky, picky, picky....

    You're right, but they are still sky rats....

  3. #53
    Senior Member
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    Algonquin IL

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Once they were a worthy bird. The government decided to protect them and now they are vile pests. The first shot was ISO 1600, second and fourth ISO 400, third ISO 800

  4. #54
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Don Burkett
    now they are vile pests

    Nice shots Don.

    I'd rather they be running around the golf course than 13 inch barn rats!!

    But your right, there are one too many. []

  5. #55

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Hello Don and the others,

    Flying Rats eh! We don't see many of them around here, We have giant jumping rats.

    Thanks for the nice C's on my pickies, Regretfully I don't have any bird shots with this camera as yet, with my other one yes, but thats a P+S and this is a DSLR site so I won't show them even though they came out Ok.

    The Bearded Iris are in full bloom all over town at the moment, it's Spring here so there's no shortage of flowers and insects which is what I usually like to shoot seeingthey don't move around to much.

    Some more from the same batch all taken with the 100m macro it's the only lens I have at the moment for the 7D which suits me fine.






  6. #56
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Quote Originally Posted by muc1
    it's Spring here

    Ahhh... "The Land Down Under" I should've checked your Bio.

    Beautiful "pickies" mate. Nice soft, subtle light on #1

    You'll have to buy all primes. There's no zoom that will satisfy you now.

  7. #57
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    Algonquin IL

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Not all my close up photograghy is done with a macro lens. This was with the 70-200 f/4 and a 20mm extenstion tube. The particulars were ISO 400 f/10 2 sec, full frame. The shrooms are 2"tall and it reminded me of a family, with mom,dad and 2 kids. Hope you enjoy.

    Larger version is here: [View:]

  8. #58

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Hello Don and Chuck,

    Nice family photo Don, I have a fair idea what lenses I want for this camera just have to wait a while, had to smash the piggy to buy this camera and lens, the 50m f1.4 and 70-200m 2.8 is are hopefully next but not till early next year. There are so many bits and pieces to purchase along the way, flash, tripod, battery grip,never ending story.

    Chuck, the soft lighting was an overcast sky, much different to the second Iris in full Aussie harsh morning sunlight. Thanks fo your kind comments and I agree with you on Lens, after looking at some of the work done here bythe other artists I already want a zoom...alas not for awhile, The macro will keep me occupied until then,it's a nice lens, I like the small stuff.





  9. #59
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    Algonquin IL

    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Marc, you're off to a great start with that macro lens. Nice Shots. Maybe one tip on the bee shots is to not lead into the photo with such a strong OOF area. It tends to grab and hold the eye. It's a matter of personal choice and I like the shots either way. But, if you want to try something different remember your DOF is 1/3 in front and 2/3 behind, so you can focus a little bit in front of the bee's eye and still keep it sharp. Another way is to change the angle of the shot and have the sensor more in line with or even parallel to the bee. Again, I like the shots, the detail and lighting is great, my nit is mostly a matter of personal preference.

  10. #60
    Junior Member
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    Re: Anyone Got the 7D?

    Alright, you guys seem to be a wealth of knowledge on this topic, so at the risk of going off on a tangent, I have a question.

    If I shoot 10MP Medium RAW images with my EOS 7D, is the camera only recording what hits (roughly) every other pixel, or is the camera taking an 18MP image and then using its computing power to downsize that image to a 10MP file?

    I am curious if I would see improved OR worsened noise performance at say (10MP RAW and ISO3200) than at (18MP RAW and ISO3200 downsized to 10MP in photoshop post-processing). Or if the noise would be the same, it would save me a lot of time (and hard drive space in post-processing)

    I primarily shoot weddings and I don't have a lot of need for 18MP images from most of the reception. Not a lot of wedding guests order 20"x30" prints of themselves dancing at a reception. So, if I could back the camera down to 10MP I could save a lot of card space.

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