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Thread: Sandisk Memory Cards

  1. #61
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    Re: Sandisk Memory Cards

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Lane

    I also received my 32GB 90MB/s card.

    With the 7D, I just shot 70 raw shots which totaled 1.31GB of data for 20 seconds and the red access light stayed on for an extra 7 seconds after I stopped shooting, for a total of 27 seconds.

    1310MB/27sec = 48.5MB/sec.


    Do you have a smaller card you can compare to, see if there is any difference?

  2. #62
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    Re: Sandisk Memory Cards

    No, but I have a larger card, namely the SanDisk Extreme Pro 64GB 90MB/sec CF card.

  3. #63
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    Re: Sandisk Memory Cards

    I ran the test 3 times with eachand posted the average speeds:

    With the 32GB 90MB/sec Card:

    3sec burst test= 51MB/sec

    20sec test= 48.5MB/sec

    With the 64GB 90MB/sec card:

    3sec burst test= 47MB/sec

    20sec test= 44.5MB/sec

    The larger 64GB card was a little slower!

  4. #64
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Re: Sandisk Memory Cards

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Lane

    I also received my 32GB 90MB/s SanDisk Extreme Pro CF card.

    With the 7D, I just shot 70 raw shots which totaled 1.31GB of data for 20 seconds and the red access light stayed on for an extra 7 seconds after I stopped shooting, for a total of 27 seconds.

    I ran the test 3 times with similar results.

    1310MB/27sec = 48.5MB/sec.

    Hi Rich,

    Good, I am glad to hear it. I just re-ran my tests and the new 32 GB 90 MB/s card is still writing at 17-18 MB/s. I must have received a bad card. I'll be contacting B&amp;H, not so much that my shooting style needs 90 MB/s, but more because if one thing is wrong with the card, what else is wrong with it?


    I'd be happy to run additional tests. I have been conducting mine with the following conditions:
    • EF 100 mm L, AF off, IS off, auto review off, manual mode set to 1/100, f/5.6 and ISO 100, RAW only, High-speed continuous mode
    • Shooting at a blank white paper
    • Recording the number of shots, file size and write time (red LED) after shooting for 3 seconds (typical time to fill buffer) and 20 seconds.

    My file sizes are typically 17.5-17,.8 MB per picture.

    That said, I buy Rich's results. It makes sense that the 7D is limited to the ~50 MB/s range and that cards can perform up to that range. I still think I will stick with the 90 MB/s even though it is not needed for the 7D just because it may be of use for something down the line.

    Thanks for all your help,


  5. #65
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Sandisk Memory Cards

    Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72
    I just re-ran my tests and the new 32 GB 90 MB/s card is still writing at 17-18 MB/s. I must have received a bad card. I'll be contacting B&amp;H, not so much that my shooting style needs 90 MB/s, but more because if one thing is wrong with the card, what else is wrong with it?

    Brant, I suspect there is nothing wrong with your new card. You just need to update your 7D's firmware. I did notice that the most recent updates for both the 5DII and 7D included, "Improves writing/reading speeds when using UDMA 7-compatible CF cards." Now, I realize that the 90 MB/s cards are rated UDMA 6, but still, it seems reasonable that something stated to affect speeds for faster cards might be the issue.

    I've been running older firmware on both my bodies for a while, not seeing a need to update. ButI just ran tests based on your settings, first with the older versions I had been running (1.2.2 on the 7D and 2.0.8 on the 5DII), then after the update (1.2.5 for the 7D, 2.0.9 for the 5DII). I tested 4 cards (all SanDisk, 2 GB 20 MB/s, 8 GB 60 MB/s, 16 GB 60 MB/s, and 32 MB 90 MB/s) on both bodies. But the short version that addresses your issue, Brant, is that with the old firmware, the 32 GB 90 MB/s card performed only slightly faster than the old 2 GB 20 MB/s card, but with the current firmware, performance of the 90 MB/s card on both bodies was slightly better than the 60 MB/s cards (both 8 and 16 GB, which weren't different from each other).

    I'll tabulate all the results and post them (probably not until tomorrow, I'm pretty busy for the rest of the night).

    Hope that solves a mystery for everyone, and fixes your problem, Brant!


  6. #66
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    Re: Sandisk Memory Cards

    After reading John's post, I went back to check if I had the current firmware update on the 1D IV. Sure enough I didn't

    I rechecked my results. After the firmware update I am getting identical results to those I had previously. So on my end no mystery solved yet.

  7. #67
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Re: Sandisk Memory Cards

    "cough" would like to amend my previous results. The new 32 GB 90 MB/s card gets 48 MB/s transfer rates, 24 shots, 430 MB from a 3 sec burst and and 45 MB/s tranfer rates and 75 shots, and 1.3 GB from a 20 second burst on the 7D....

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    Hope that solves a mystery for everyone, and fixes your problem, Brant!

    Mystery solved......I and an unsuspecting B&amp;H employee that doesn't have to deal with me trying to return the card thank you.

  8. #68
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    Can you repost the link you did earlier for the 1D IV test. It was lost in the move.


    We lost your chart as well

  9. #69
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Unfortunately it seems a lot was lost in the move, but I have to say, I do like this new forum.


  10. #70
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    Thanks, I was talking to Hoodman today, and I was trying to direct him to that website but didn't have the link.

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