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Thread: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

  1. #751
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Bryan, TX

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    She cleans up well from the other day. Doesn

  2. #752
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Wow! I didn't even realize at first that that was the same girl!! Beautiful shots, Sean!

    I had a guy again ask me if I would take grad photos of his daughter even though I told him the other day that I wasn't skilled enough or equipped for something like that. I feel so bad turning him down! I think I'm going to drag my daughter into the backyard this weekend to see what I can pulloff with just two little speedlights and a softbox and umbrella! At least the umbrella will come in handy if it's raining! [st] [um]


  3. #753
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    You can do quite a bit with two speedlights. I did an entire shoot this on Saturday with just two speedlights, a couple of umbrellas, and a reflector. I haven't published the photos from this particular session yet, but here's an example (the link will eventually be broken when the temporary google photo gallery is taken down).

  4. #754
    Senior Member
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    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    NICE!! I just showed the last couple posts to my daughter (I had posted that she is doing this with me this weekend before I even asked her) and she has agreed to try this with me so I can practice! YIPPPEEE!!!! It had better not rain!


  5. #755
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725

    I had a guy again ask me if I would take grad photos of his daughter even though I told him the other day that I wasn't skilled enough or equipped for something like that.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Just do the shoot for cost. Good practice for you and almost free for him. Can't loose. This is how I got started and when I was confident I could give pretty consistent results I started my part time business. Now it helps feed my habit for more equipment.


  6. #756
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!


  7. #757
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Thanks! I will use that similar set-up except I only have one umbrella so I will have to make it work with that and a softbox.

  8. #758
    Senior Member Dave Johnston's Avatar
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    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Sean, those shots from the senior shoot look terrific. I had been waiting to see the rest of the shoot since the casuals got rained out last time. I am sure she is one happy camper with those shots. Very well done, sir.

    5D mark III, 50D, 17-40 f4L, 24-70 f2.8L, 70-200 f4L ​IS, 28 f1.8, 50 f1.8, 85 f1.8, 100 f2.8 Macro

  9. #759
    Senior Member Dave Johnston's Avatar
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    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    I had thought about posting this in the "current shots" thread, but it isa portrait.

    I just got finished with phase one of making a DIY beauty dish. This is a first for me to be making that big of a DIY modifier. So far I think it has turned out pretty great. It is sturdy, but still relatively light. I will post some pictures of the dish itself sometime this week when I get done with it. Between Sean and the Strobist... I just want to keep doing new stuff.

    Here is a shot from the almost complete dish.

    Canon 50d + Tamron 28-75 2.8 @ f8 1/200 ISO-100 75mm

    The dish was above and slightly forward and left of the subject. It was shot with a 580exII at 1/8 power. There is also a vivitar 285hv at 1/6 power shot through 32 white umbrella, behind camera, subject left for quasi on axis fill. If i were doing more than just testing this dish out quickly I would have put another speedlight in the rear to rim light or give some separation. I also might have gelled the beauty dish a bit for warmth, but as I mentioned this is just a test.

    Here is a 100% crop of the eye to show spatial relation of the light units.


    Let me know what you all think.

    5D mark III, 50D, 17-40 f4L, 24-70 f2.8L, 70-200 f4L ​IS, 28 f1.8, 50 f1.8, 85 f1.8, 100 f2.8 Macro

  10. #760
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    @Sean, thanks for the details Sean, very helpful

    @Dave, great work Dave, you should post your directions for home made beauty dishes. It is good to see Sean
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

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