Canon 450D Gripped, Canon 24-105 f/4L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM II, Sigma 10-20 EX f/4-5.6, Canon S95
“There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.” -Ansel Adams
Joel, how do you know if it's properly exposed for "high key" since it's over exposed in histogram anyways?
Banman 1, those eagles pictures are nice, I like the pose of the eagle, I don't know what lens you used, it seemed that either the lens is not long enough or you couldn't get very close to the eagle cause the pictures looks cropped a lot, they are lack of details and maybe you put the eagle s too centered, just my 2 cents
elmo--2006, your pictures have told me that you should get 400mm 5.6[]
Originally Posted by Joel Eade
Can I ask why you are using manual mode if you're relying on the camera's metering logic to guide your adjustments anyway? Why not aperture priority and adjust ISO as needed? Then switch to spot metering if you want high-key just as you need to with your manual method. Seems simpler, faster and more able to react to changing conditions, but maybe I'm missing something. If it's just the way you prefer to work that's totally fine with me, but if there's some advantage to it then I'd definitely want to start making use of it
**EDIT** It occurred to me that it's probably so that you don't need to hold auto exposure lock for recomposing different shots. It that correct? Too bad spot metering doesn't work on any point
I am used to manual mode and find it easy to make quick adjustments and as you pointed out there is no need to hold auto exposure lock but what I am most interested in is to get the exposure of the subject correct no matter the background and even if the background changes. So once I determine the correct subject exposure it doesn
Joel, I got it , thank you very much!
Salazarbrujo, this is the toughest bird I have ever seen, but I guess it will never perch on those wires[]
congratulations on your 135mm 2.0L, I know it is just a fantastic lens.
A pair of Mourning Doves, my backyard setup
1D MKIII + 300mm 2.8L + 1.4TC + 580exII fill flash with better beamer
Very nice shot Joel. Sharp, nice diffuse background and very nice lighting.
I have these birds all over the place in my neighborhood, but never took any interest in shooting them---Maybe I
Wow, it looks so nice, like the lighting very much!
"better beamer"? I have to google it.