Originally Posted by ddt0725
I don't know about your yard, but if there's some forest trails nearby, then potentially fairly good. The birds in the city can find feeders easily enough that they don't bother with people directly. You'll be able to hand-feed Chickadees mainly, and nuthatches on occasion. As winter approaches and they find less food, they'll come more readily, but Chickadees will come to you year-round. They love sunflower seeds, shelled, or not. My wife went out yesterday with a friend. They took simultaneous photos of each other with chickadees on their heads. We have a few shots with 2 chickadees on my wife's head, and shots with 4 swarming around her.
They're hungry.
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"]( fromhttp://talkaboutwildlife.ca/profile/?s=221)
"Chickadees need to eat almost constantly in winter, and will exploit every avenue to access a meal. In parks like Weaselhead where they are have learned that people are really just walking vending machines, it's not only easy (and a lot of fun) to feed the little 'dees, but the savvy birds actively solicit passersbys. As soon as you stretch out your hand a chickadee will land there. I've had up to three on my hand at once squabbling for dominance. Sometimes a dominant bird will sit there for a minute and may even call."