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Thread: Plug-In Question

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Kenosha, WI

    Plug-In Question

    Hi All -

    Before I had purchased NIK Silver Efex Pro, I had bought Topaz Labs B&W plug-in. Yesterday, I had applied a really nice "painterly" effect to one of my deer shots using Topaz. After getting each slider exactly how I wanted the photo to look (and it looked great), I pushed "OK" & pulled it back into Photoshop and it looked nothing like how it did on my screen when I was on the Topaz Labs plug-in screen!

    What causes the change from what I originally applied? Is it the plug-in, photoshop or my computer? I know my computer is ancient but a new one isn't even on my long list right now. But hey, I have an extremely important job interview this afternoon with any luck, I will be able to have a list again soon!!


  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725 View Post
    But hey, I have an extremely important job interview this afternoon ...
    Good luck with that! I hope it works out in a positive way for you!

    As for the plug-inn. Have you checked the plug-inn settings? Especially the color space you are working in? I had a similar problem in Photomatix HDR software. I loved the photos I was makign and when I got back to Lightroom it looked aweful. It turned out that Photomatix was viewed in AdobeRGB and Lightroom in sRGB. (sRGB is normally the best way to use, unless you have a calibrated printer or know better how these colorspaces work)

    Again good luck and hopefully you'll find the solution.

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