
I recently bought a 500D/T1I with the standard 18-55mm lens, then later purchased a 50mm f/1.8. I'm very happy with both of these purchases, Although i find that the kit lens now spends a lot of time in my bag.

I'm now looking to buy a 3rd lens and im finding it very difficult to decide what to spend my money on. I have tentatively narrowed it down to three lenses, the 24-105mm L, the 17-55mm f/2.8 or the 100mm f/2.8 Macro. I Realise the Macro option may seem odd in comparrison, but if i was going to buy either of the other 2 lenses i would also by some extenders to give me some degree of macro capability.

The question is, Would the 24-105mm or the 17-55mm prove to be vastly more useful than the 18-55mm kit lens? I think i would appreciate the extra reach of the 24-105 but is it worth the substantial amount of money considering the lenses i already own? Would i be better off saving my money and going for the macro lens and perhaps looking at a telephoto in the future?

As i am new to digital photography i hope to try as many different styles as i can. Macro, Nature, Portrait, Landscape and Action photography all interest me.

I realize the answer to these questions will vary from person to person but as i have never used any of these lenses and many of you have, I would greatly appreciate your views.

Cheers, Al