
I have been thinking about this "issue" and I want to hear from what you guys have to say.

What is the "BEST" way toi transfer images from DSLR Camera to PC? especially for those cameras using CF cards.......

How I do it:

I normally attach my camera via the USB port directly to the PC and download the files with like say .... EOS UTILITY. For one I feel it downloads faster this way.. or maybe I just have a crappy card reader.


Would it be better to remove the CF from the camera and have a card reader transfer files to the PC? My apprehension with the constant removal of the CF from the camera is that I might wear out the "contacts" of the CF card or those on the camera body "earlier"...... though I admit the USB port wears out also but I do see it being more robust than those pins and holes.

OR is it betterthe way I normally do it... attach the camear via USB directly to the PC

Waiting to hear from you guys.....