Why is spot metering limited to the center point only? When I had a 40D and used spot metering, it was no big deal as I was usually using the center point anyway. Now, not so much. If in Evaluative metering, it reads the whole scene reguardless of AF points, why can't it then read just from one AF point for spot? I'm not sure how this metering thing works I guess. Does it use a "big bucket" theory and doesn't really know whatcolor of light is coming from where, it just knows that once itfills the bucket, the final color is "X"?..or does it know all colors everywhere in which case there would be no reason for not being able to spot focus or docenter weighted on certain AF points? I'm also trying to get out of recomposing for this reason too. I could on the other hand have misunderstood the little manual and it actually does adjust to specific points and I've been working arouind it for no apparentreason.