i decided to start another thread as not to hi-jack the "show you best bird pics" one.
my thoughts on this dont weigh much because i have never tried anything better than a 7dII . however compared to my 70D the focusing system is much better although i am still having trouble with trying to get sharp in focus images. i have tried just about every subject and situation i can think of but sharp images are about 60%. it a lot better than the 70D but i believe it should be a lot better . my last subject was a horse at about 75 feet focusing on the eye. i tried multiple pocus point combinations , ai servo and one shot tripod , hand held. nothing i did would increase the number of in focus shots. i tried a white horse ,brown and black. i even tried in the sun in the shade and as clouds were blocking the sun. as for iso ,if the light is good and i dont have to crop i can get decent images at 1600 when they are in focus . 3200 is kinda pushing it. is this as good as autofocus gets ? or am i probably doing something wrong ? this camera with all its options is still very new to me. it took me a week to figure out what Joel meant
when he said he uses ai focus surround lol.
if you walk up to a subject in decent light , are you confident it will be in focus or do you take multiple shots just to be sure ?
also for low light ,like i said i am coming from a 70D so i find it will focus in lower light than before , although focus isnt right lol in the same light the 70d would just hunt and never lock on. im not talking dark just a little dim in the shade. i also find it will lok on to subjects at much greater distances. yesterday i was able to lock on a deer at 463 meters with a 400mm+1.4 . of course once cropped there isnt a whole lot of detail left but the 70d had a maximum of about 120 meters ,anything farther and it was manual focus only.