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Thread: Canon 1D IV Review Question

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Canon 1D IV Review Question

    "Note that no way is provided to set exposure compensation while M mode and Auto ISO - a shortcoming I would like to see Canon address."

    "Do you find AE (Auto Exposure) to be consistently under or over exposing your images? The new AE Microadjustment feature is for you. Dial in up to ±1 stop of adjustment in 1/8-stop increments."

    I realize the usual method of exposure compensation doesn't work in M mode and auto ISO, but can the AE Microadjustment feature essentially do the same thing? Shame itsburiedin a menu though...

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    Vancouver, Washington, USA

    Re: Canon 1D IV Review Question

    Quote Originally Posted by crosbyharbison
    can the AE Microadjustment feature essentially do the same thing?

    I'm sure it can, but it doesn't matter because it's buried in a menu like you said. Plus, you'd have to remember to add (or subtract) the normal AE microadjustment (if any) when using it for normal EC stuff that it wasn't intended for.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Canon 1D IV Review Question

    Also I'd like to request that a direct comparison between the 5d II's screen and the one on the 1D IV

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